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Looking for a spare PM or troubleshooting advice

Posted: September 19th, 2023, 4:19 pm
by 2wheelsforever
I have an older C2 Model C with a PM4 monitor that I bought used a few years ago. The PM3 has worked most of the time, but occasionally stops recording while I'm rowing, or won't turn on/record when I first start rowing. Usually I can eventually get it working if I play with the wire and unplug/plug it back in several times, but recently it's been harder to get it working.

I don't see any obvious damage to the cable or pickup sensor, so I'm not positive if the issue is the cable or the PM3 itself. I don't want to waste money on a new pickup wire if it's the monitor, and vise versa.

Any chance anyone has a spare PM4 that I could borrow for testing? Or advice on the best way to troubleshoot to determine if it is in fact a bad pickup cable? I'm located near Baltimore, MD.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Looking for a spare PM or troubleshooting advice

Posted: September 19th, 2023, 10:01 pm
by Carl Watts
Just buy a new pickup and make sure you get the complete plastic holder it sits in.

If its the really old single transformer type, its better to upgrade it to the twin coil version that provides more power when you row.

The wires fracture in the connector from people constantly wiggling it over the years.

Probably worth taking the back off the monitor and check the socket for cracks in the plastic or it could be loose on the board.