Vanishing HR display

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Vanishing HR display

Post by IanMacDonald » June 3rd, 2023, 9:46 pm

I use a Model C originally equipped with a PM2 but latterly upgraded to a PM3. I have "accumulated" a duplicate set of HR display accessories, transmitters and sensors (Polar). This gives quite a number of possible combinations.
Throughout all attempts I find that the HR display will normally fire up as expected after the first few strokes. Then in a totally random fashion, usually after several minutes' row, the display will blank out without warning. Sometimes it reappears after a few seconds, at other times the blank can last several minutes at a time. But usually comes back on in the end. There is a slight tendency for the display to disappear more during winding down than when gearing up but this link is not always there. Often I get in a state where just the heart icon is shown in the display box but no figures.
I have done all the obvious checks on connections including moistening the sensor and shouting at it.
It is obviously not a binary scenario since there are times when it appears to work perfectly. I am wondering if this is a characteristic of the basic electronics, that they are inherently prone to cut out temporarily.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar and / or found a solution?

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Re: Vanishing HR display

Post by Sakly » June 3rd, 2023, 11:55 pm

I only faced this problem once, when I was sweating heavily and I think my belt had lost good connection to my chest to measure.
Typically empty batteries are also giving you this problem, but due to the high amount of combinations you can run and not all devices will have (nearly) empty batteries, this is probably not the case.
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Re: Vanishing HR display

Post by Carl Watts » June 4th, 2023, 12:03 am

Honestly I was glad to move away from using the old Polar system on the Erg.

I still use the Polar chest strap and a Polar watch while out walking but that's about it. Soak the strap, clip on the transmitter its all good.

The PM5 moved to the wireless ANT+ system and you will never want to go back after using it. The new Chest straps that Garmin make now are fantastic, the connection is solid and they tech improvements in the algorithm used improves the accuracy.

The chest straps eventually need replacement, they loose the low resistance characteristic in the rubber pads and fail to conduct, you can actually measure new strap vs an old strap with a multimeter. The most common problem however is a flat battery in the transmitter.
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Re: Vanishing HR display

Post by MPx » June 4th, 2023, 6:03 pm

Long time since I used a PM3 (2018) but I never had a problem with it on my old Model C. The polar belts I used had sealed batteres so had to be replaced every 2 or 3 years. Also I placed the pick up under the rail as far back as the standard cable allowed so was directly under me (therefore very close) most of the time. Your symptoms suggest a lost signal to me so as others have said - batteries and/or chest contact are the most likely issues.
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Re: Vanishing HR display

Post by IanMacDonald » June 4th, 2023, 9:35 pm

Sorry to say but the batteries in my PM3 look fully charged. Otherwise that would have been a quick fix.

You refer to various other bits of kit. If I just can't trace what the problem is with what I've got, is there more reliable kit that would fit my PM3 (or the old PM2)?? Rather than shell out for a PM5 when the various PC etc connections would be largely surplus to requirements.

I ought really be addressing this to a Polar forum if this exists anywhere.

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Re: Vanishing HR display

Post by Carl Watts » June 4th, 2023, 10:36 pm

Change the battery in the heartrate strap.

If its a really old type it has the sealed battery and that lasts 7 to 10 years if you are really lucky.

Even the new ones with replaceable batteries only last 3 or 4 years and a few battery changes and the strap itself is dead, the technology has moved on and you need a new one.

I'm all for keeping old tech going but it gets to the point that its just annoying and turns into a time waster.

Nothing makes you more angry than something going wrong during your row or bike ride, must be oxygen deficiency in the brain.
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Re: Vanishing HR display

Post by iain » June 5th, 2023, 7:26 am

I never got the Polar arrangement to work with my PM3, always droping out. Replaced with a standalone HRM. Annoying that I have to check elsewhere to see my HR and manually input HR into workout data, but as I have always considered the lack of recording during intervals an issue, I pay this price.
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Re: Vanishing HR display

Post by Tsnor » June 5th, 2023, 11:43 am


Make sure your PM3 is firmware current and has new batteries.

Most belts have both ANT+ and Bluetooth as does the PM3. Swap between them and see if one is more stable (usually ANT+)

As a diagnostic, connect your HR monitor to your phone and NOT the pm3. Do a row with the HR monitor connected to your phone and see if it still drops. (Note some phone apps (like polar beat) freeze the HR when signal drops, rather than zeroing it. Look for that also.)

* If it only drops with PM3 then reset the PM3, replace the PM3 batteries and get firmware current if you didn't already, look for sources of BT interference, and hope for the best.

* If the HR drops when connected to your phone then the problem is the HR monitor.
-- Replace HR monitor battery first, they are cheap.
-- The belt part of your HR monitor (sensor and wires) can go bad. They are replaceable on most units. For Polar, regardless of HR monitor, use the H10 belt. Its's better. Polar says ... "Polar Pro Strap works with all Polar heart rate sensors. With a soft textile material, slip-preventing silicone dots and a secure buckle, the strap is very comfortable to wear and stays in place even through your most intense workouts. The extra interference-preventing electrodes on the strap make it extremely sensitive to your heart’s electrical signals, providing maximum precision for heart rate readings and eliminating interference."

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Re: Vanishing HR display

Post by Citroen » June 5th, 2023, 2:33 pm

Tsnor wrote:
June 5th, 2023, 11:43 am

Most belts have both ANT+ and Bluetooth as does the PM3. Swap between them and see if one is more stable (usually ANT+)
There's a problem with the PM3, it doesn't have ANT or ANT+ or BTLE. The ANT stuff was all new on the PM4 (later extended to ANT+). The ANT+ and BTLE was new on the PM5.

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Re: Vanishing HR display

Post by nick rockliff » June 5th, 2023, 3:13 pm

I used the HRM with a PM3 for about 11 years. Always had problems mainly with the receiver and probably went through about 3 or 4 units over the 11 year period.

I found the jack plug would get a resistive oxidisation coating after a period. A quick application of a scotch bright type material would cure it.

Thick I would have gone through a similar number of chest straps too.

If you get chance buy a PM5 and solve all your problems.
67 6' 4" 108kg
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Re: Vanishing HR display

Post by MPx » June 5th, 2023, 6:40 pm

IanMacDonald wrote:
June 4th, 2023, 9:35 pm
Sorry to say but the batteries in my PM3 look fully charged. Otherwise that would have been a quick fix.

You refer to various other bits of kit. If I just can't trace what the problem is with what I've got, is there more reliable kit that would fit my PM3 (or the old PM2)?? Rather than shell out for a PM5 when the various PC etc connections would be largely surplus to requirements.

I ought really be addressing this to a Polar forum if this exists anywhere.
It was the chest belt bateries that I thought might be suspect Ian, not the PM3.

The only kit involved is the Polar chestbelt; Polar pick up; and cable from pickup to PM3. You want the pick up to be as near to your chest strap as possible - for me that was under the rail about half way back. Nick has experience of the cable jacks tarnishing...I had experience of the cable starting to break internally where it got pinched through careless movement of the PM arm. Having said that, in the 21 years I had my Model C I needed 2 pick ups/2 cables/ and several changes of chest straps - but it never went annoyingly sporadically flakey on me - it didn't take too much to work out what the problem was each time it stopped working!

We all value things differently, I think the PM5 makes training easier/better (through better connectivity and data transfer) so the value comes in keeping me motivated to do it, not in anything inherent in the PM5.
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Re: Vanishing HR display

Post by Tsnor » June 6th, 2023, 10:55 am

Citroen wrote:
June 5th, 2023, 2:33 pm
Tsnor wrote:
June 5th, 2023, 11:43 am

Most belts have both ANT+ and Bluetooth as does the PM3. Swap between them and see if one is more stable (usually ANT+)
There's a problem with the PM3, it doesn't have ANT or ANT+ or BTLE. The ANT stuff was all new on the PM4 (later extended to ANT+). The ANT+ and BTLE was new on the PM5.
My bad, please delete my post. It's misinformation.

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