Dynamic vs Static
Posted: August 10th, 2020, 1:10 pm
First post: be gentle
I used to indoor row on a model B last millennium: rugby/weights/squash and PB (no logbook) was 6’30” for 2000m. Children intervened until my mother-in-law (God bless and RIP) bought me a new model D.
Fitness started and I managed to get down to 6’52” in the BIRC age 46.
Unfortunately, my daughter became unwell and lifting her out of the bath one day I developed a pars defect and a spondylolisthesis. My work involves standing bent forward ina lead coat for some hours so not great news.
I have always wondered re dynamic vs static and fancied the Oartec DX but expensive +++. I bit the bullet and bought a dynamic C2 from 2017 : £850 form eBay : 4027 metres on the clock!
I thought i would share my experience of the dynamic vs static
1 You need excellent technique: much less forgiving than static
2 You have to be supple: getting shins vertical in static is easy as your body mass pushes you into the compressed C curve spine catch: this does not happen on the dynamic. I think this important because some are tempted to dynamic because of back issues
3 Average stroke length decreases
4 Initial stroke power higher, average about the same
5 Higher cadence easier to achieve
6 Like all concept stuff it’s well built
7 So far no back issues: which hopefully will remain the case
Overall currently I am about 2 -3 seconds slower on dynamic per 500: as flexibility increases (I swear I hear cracking when I bend these days) I expect and hope this will improve.
12 years after 6’52” not sure I’ll get back there but worth trying
Finally different issue but anyone know if you can use RowPro 3 database with RowPro 5: used to love to race against myself and no reply from RowPro
Keep safe
I used to indoor row on a model B last millennium: rugby/weights/squash and PB (no logbook) was 6’30” for 2000m. Children intervened until my mother-in-law (God bless and RIP) bought me a new model D.
Fitness started and I managed to get down to 6’52” in the BIRC age 46.
Unfortunately, my daughter became unwell and lifting her out of the bath one day I developed a pars defect and a spondylolisthesis. My work involves standing bent forward ina lead coat for some hours so not great news.
I have always wondered re dynamic vs static and fancied the Oartec DX but expensive +++. I bit the bullet and bought a dynamic C2 from 2017 : £850 form eBay : 4027 metres on the clock!
I thought i would share my experience of the dynamic vs static
1 You need excellent technique: much less forgiving than static
2 You have to be supple: getting shins vertical in static is easy as your body mass pushes you into the compressed C curve spine catch: this does not happen on the dynamic. I think this important because some are tempted to dynamic because of back issues
3 Average stroke length decreases
4 Initial stroke power higher, average about the same
5 Higher cadence easier to achieve
6 Like all concept stuff it’s well built
7 So far no back issues: which hopefully will remain the case
Overall currently I am about 2 -3 seconds slower on dynamic per 500: as flexibility increases (I swear I hear cracking when I bend these days) I expect and hope this will improve.
12 years after 6’52” not sure I’ll get back there but worth trying
Finally different issue but anyone know if you can use RowPro 3 database with RowPro 5: used to love to race against myself and no reply from RowPro
Keep safe