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Fixing my PM2

Posted: December 10th, 2012, 1:28 pm
by baldass_newbie
I finally got my erg back this past year after a prolonged absence due to separation/divorce. When I got it back, I saw that the batteries had leaked inside the PM2 battery compartment and, even with fresh batteries, the display was wonky.
I wasn't keen on having to buy a replacement due to finances so while I was trying to save for that, I got involved with fixing up an old stereo receiver that I've had. To get the knobs working better, I found that Deoxit is recommended for cleaning old electronics and their Gold Product helps lube/protect these things.
On a whim, I used it to clean out the PM2 battery compartment and...shazam! it's now working just fine. Did my first 5k piece in a few years this morning with nary a hitch.

Anybody who is having issues with an old PM2 might want to run over to Radio Shack and grab a pack of this stuff before tossing out an old one or replacing it. Worked wonders.

Re: Fixing my PM2

Posted: December 10th, 2012, 5:25 pm
by Carl Watts
You probably just got lucky. The corrosion eventually eats through the copper tracks and the unit fails or can even appear to work but has hidden problems like high battery consumption when it's in shutdown and you batteries will be flat in weeks rather than 6 months.

Vinegar works a treat to nutralise the battery leakage but the PM2 requires a complete strip down.

Fingers crossed it continues to work okay for you.