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erg seat stuck solid on the frontstop

Posted: June 1st, 2016, 8:07 pm
by bluestreak1960
I thought I'd drag my erg out poolside yesterday to row outside in the beautiful spring weather. That was all good but as I was moving the erg back in, I had to raise it vertically on its front wheels - perpendicular to the ground - and the seat FLEW up the slide and jammed tight on the frontstop - the rubber/plastic piece.

It is unmoveably stuck. I tried whacking it with a mallet (rubber headed hammer thing) to no avail. I love my erg (yes, I LOVE it) and I don't want to cause damage.

Is there a way to loosen this thing without dismantling the rollers?

Admission: I did this before and to remedy, I removed the seat from the rollers and then had a grand time putting the roller assembly back together again. I would LOVE to avoid that process if there is another way....

I can't really believe I let it happen again but that is another issue altogether.

Re: erg seat stuck solid on the frontstop

Posted: June 7th, 2016, 8:22 am
by Brendon99

If it's stuck with no way to dislodge it you might not have any other option than to dismantle the seat. As long as you tighten it all back up again as tight as it'll go should be fine?

Re: erg seat stuck solid on the frontstop

Posted: June 9th, 2016, 6:01 pm
by bluestreak1960
Thank you Brendan. I knew it... I was engaged in some magical thinking there. Oh well...I'm off the get the box of wrenches.

Re: erg seat stuck solid on the frontstop

Posted: June 10th, 2016, 2:25 am
by jamesg
Maybe best to just slacken the bolts, without removal.