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New iPhone app Concept2 Indoor Rower: "ErgData"
Posted: October 31st, 2012, 2:50 pm
by c2scott
Re: New iPhone app Concept2 Indoor Rower: "ErgData"
Posted: November 4th, 2012, 7:11 pm
by Big Calm
Looks good. I like the addition of the Drive Length and Time metrics.
Given the iPhone 5 has just been released and it has a different connector than previous iPhones, are there any plans to make this iPhone 5 compatible?
Also, why the US-only restriction?
Re: New iPhone app Concept2 Indoor Rower: "ErgData"
Posted: November 4th, 2012, 7:38 pm
by c2scott
I'm glad you like it, I think the app has a little something for everyone.
The lightning adapter works for iPhone 5 and should work for other Lightning iOS devices. Apple has changed the rules a bit about who can develop accessories with Lightning; we will of course be discussing it at some point.
Since posting on our web site, we've released the app to all markets that do not have a 'dealer' (ie Concept2 direct ships). As each dealer gets the iPhone connection kit in stock we I enable download of the app for that market. For example France should be enabled on Tuesday when their initial supply should arrive. No point in making the app available if the connection kit is not available.
-- Scott
Re: New iPhone app Concept2 Indoor Rower: "ErgData"
Posted: November 6th, 2012, 12:04 am
by OarConsequences
This new software looks very promising. I had a couple of questions.
With this software, will I be able to download data of splits and stroke rate over time? Having to upload it to C2 then download it would be fine as long as I can get at the raw data.
Does the connection cable carry data only or does it power the phone as well?
Re: New iPhone app Concept2 Indoor Rower: "ErgData"
Posted: November 6th, 2012, 1:32 pm
by raisingmn
Very cool! Any plans for an Android version?
Re: New iPhone app Concept2 Indoor Rower: "ErgData"
Posted: November 6th, 2012, 2:59 pm
by c2scott
Concept2 plans to evaluate the functionality and how customers use ErgData App on the iPhone before developing for any additional platforms.
- Scott
Re: New iPhone app Concept2 Indoor Rower: "ErgData"
Posted: November 6th, 2012, 8:04 pm
I received mine today and gave it a test with my iPod. It worked great once I updated my firmware. Data uploads instantly to the logbook with the source of "ErgData" rather than "C2Log".
Tomorrow I will check to see if I can play music from my iPod while using this app.
Also, one observation. Since the app doesn't work with a logcard inserted into the PM3 ... when I select a workout, my Custom List and my Favorites are no longer accessible (because they are on my logcard, unless I am mistaken). So each row must be entered in manually every time.
Thanks. Love the app.
Re: New iPhone app Concept2 Indoor Rower: "ErgData"
Posted: November 9th, 2012, 5:25 am
by stub5
Is Concept2 planning to release the library code for the USB:iPhone interface to 3rd party developers? That could promote some interesting apps - multi-user race being the obvious one.
Re: New iPhone app Concept2 Indoor Rower: "ErgData"
Posted: November 12th, 2012, 12:53 am
by truth1ness
Is the Average Force the average strength of each individual pull ie the average of the values on the force graph for each pull (and is it similar to SPI stroke power index?), or is it the average of all your pulls in the session? I'd really like to be able to see the amount of work I performed with each pull.
Re: New iPhone app Concept2 Indoor Rower: "ErgData"
Posted: November 18th, 2012, 9:26 pm
by thaumaturge
Should this app work with a Wahoo key? It seems to recognize the key but never finds the rower.
I have a PM4 with firmware 317
Re: New iPhone app Concept2 Indoor Rower: "ErgData"
Posted: November 19th, 2012, 4:31 am
by thaumaturge
...same with firmware v318
Re: New iPhone app Concept2 Indoor Rower: "ErgData"
Posted: November 19th, 2012, 3:53 pm
by C2Trevor
No, the ErgData app will not work with the Wahoo key at this time. We know this is probably a bummer for folks who have already purchased the Wahoo key. ErgBuddy and ErgData were developed independently and it incorporating Wahoo key functionality into the ErgData app would have caused significant delays. We may decided to add wireless functionality to the ErgData app in the future, but for the time being we've found the iConnectConcept2 cable to be very robust, reliable and affordable solution for connecting the PM to Apple devices.
Re: New iPhone app Concept2 Indoor Rower: "ErgData"
Posted: November 19th, 2012, 3:58 pm
by btb1490
Cool idea, but as mentioned above, I'd like to see it either work with a log card inserted, or have the ability to store workouts on it and download them to the PM.
Re: New iPhone app Concept2 Indoor Rower: "ErgData"
Posted: November 20th, 2012, 12:54 am
by Richard French
I'm having trouble getting ErgData to know when to start and stop a workout. I get a message that says something like 'ready for workout' but it seems to be hit or miss on whether it gets logged to the workout log. Sometimes, it will say that it is an empty workout. What am I missing? Also, I agree that it is a bummer not to be able to have ErgData work with the log card installed. I would forego the uploading of the workout to the C2 website if I could have the log card installed and be able to load the card data to the website, while retaining the ability to display the additional information on the iPhone screen. But my main problem is not knowing how to start and stop recording a workout, which seems like something that should be mentioned in the FAQ.
Re: New iPhone app Concept2 Indoor Rower: "ErgData"
Posted: November 28th, 2012, 6:55 pm
by thaumaturge
You can transfer the workout to the logcard: ... ur-logcard
The main problem I have is it doesn't seem to work with a "Just row" workout. In fact "Just row" workouts don't seem to work at all unless I unplug the iConnect cable from the PM4. That can't be right.