Log card onto lanyard?

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Log card onto lanyard?

Post by hawkswind » July 12th, 2012, 12:03 am

I'm going to purchase a C2 for my classroom. I'm wanting to put the log cards onto key rings which are attached to lanyards. It should make it more difficult for the kids to loose or misplace the log cards. What's the best way to put the hole in the log cards? Should I drill them? Thanks in advance for the help.

http://log.concept2.com/challenge/univD ... an+Academy

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Re: Log card onto lanyard?

Post by Citroen » July 12th, 2012, 3:23 am

You should be able to punch a hole with a stationery punch - there's even a mark on the underside of my card to show the best position. But beware that it won't fit the machine if you do that as the card has to go all the way into the machine. You'll have to remove the lanyard and any keyring everytime you want to use it.

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