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Which would you keep A or B?

Posted: April 27th, 2012, 3:00 am
by Demianwulf
Got two different Concept rowers off craigslist. An A for $100 and a B for $100. Both are in pretty good condition and have smooth operation. The only issue I have with the A is that the gauge that measures the MPH stopped working. not sure how to fix it and it is really loud. The clicking sound it makes from the gauge portion is kinda annoying. Can't remember if it was clicking before the gauge stopped functioning. The B has a monitor on it, but I can't seem to figure out how to adjust resistance like with the A you would just change over the chain to another sprocket and it would add or lessen resistance. Does anyone have any advice on what might be wrong with the A and how to adjust resistance on the B? Also ultimately what would you keep if you had the option because I don't have room for both. Just got into rowing and while i love it i'm a bit green on what to do with these two rowers.

Re: Which would you keep A or B?

Posted: April 27th, 2012, 10:51 am
by Bob S.
Demianwulf wrote:Got two different Concept rowers off craigslist. An A for $100 and a B for $100. Both are in pretty good condition and have smooth operation. The only issue I have with the A is that the gauge that measures the MPH stopped working. not sure how to fix it and it is really loud. The clicking sound it makes from the gauge portion is kinda annoying. Can't remember if it was clicking before the gauge stopped functioning. The B has a monitor on it, but I can't seem to figure out how to adjust resistance like with the A you would just change over the chain to another sprocket and it would add or lessen resistance. Does anyone have any advice on what might be wrong with the A and how to adjust resistance on the B? Also ultimately what would you keep if you had the option because I don't have room for both. Just got into rowing and while i love it i'm a bit green on what to do with these two rowers.
The B has 2 sprockets as well, but the resistance (drag factor ... factor.asp) can also be adjusted with the damper. As far as I know the A did not have a damper. The lowest drag factor on a B is higher than what you can get with the later models, but by covering parts of the cage you can bring it into the same range. The A is an interesting antique, but you can't compare your results with anyone except another A user. The B operates much like the later models and the results are comparable.

The B is a very solid machine that can be repaired when parts wear out. It is a good idea to update the monitor to a PM3 programmed for the B.

Bob S.

Re: Which would you keep A or B?

Posted: April 27th, 2012, 11:26 am
by Cyclist2
I'd keep them both! For only $100 each, you can afford to upgrade them with new monitors (even a PM 4). Rowing with another person is way better than rowing alone, although the noise level of those two is pretty high. If you can only keep one, make it the model B. You obviously are familiar with the C2 website, so look around on how to service them, get new parts, etc. and go for it!

Re: Which would you keep A or B?

Posted: April 27th, 2012, 11:34 pm
by Demianwulf
Thanks guys, I appreciate the advice. Believe me, I am going to have a hard time letting one of these go. I keep appreciating the craftsmanship and thought that went into even these antiquated models. After reading your posts, I guess its the A that will see itself on craigslist soon enough. I'd like to try to fix the gauge problem before hand, but I think I can get back what I brought it for based on its popularity from what I've seen on CL.

I guess I'll be looking for a PM upgrade for the B after doing some more searches and reading here at the site. Even though knowing me I will probably end up buying a used C or D not long from now if I can flip the A and B for a small profit :) I was about 10 minutes off of getting a used D for 300 bucks which I think was a steal. (correct me if I'm wrong).

We'll less typing and more rowing...gotta work on my form. :)

Re: Which would you keep A or B?

Posted: May 15th, 2012, 3:05 pm
by ffrink23
Sell the model A. They pop up cheap on Craigslist all the time. IMO, the B, with the aluminum fan, is a huge improvement in the unit.

Re: Which would you keep A or B?

Posted: May 17th, 2012, 12:00 am
by Rockin Roland
Demianwulf wrote:Got two different Concept rowers off craigslist. An A for $100 and a B for $100. ultimately what would you keep if you had the option because I don't have room for both.

They are both junk.

There's no joy working out on old exercise equipment that belongs in a museum. Surely the global financial crises isn't that bad over there for the need to resort for such deperate purchases. It would be like going for a run in an old pair of Addidas Rome joggers dating back to the 70s(since reborn for retro styling but only an idiot would run in them). The purchase of either of those two ergs is likely to lead to a short time interest in indoor rowing before moving onto to something more enjoyable.

Re: Which would you keep A or B?

Posted: May 17th, 2012, 10:04 am
by deathrower
Why post on this cite if you no longer use a C2 erg?? How old are your C2 pr's?? The model b is a fine machine that will last forever with little maintenance. Enjoy your indoor rowing.

Re: Which would you keep A or B?

Posted: May 17th, 2012, 10:26 am
Rockin Roland wrote:
Demianwulf wrote:Got two different Concept rowers off craigslist. An A for $100 and a B for $100. ultimately what would you keep if you had the option because I don't have room for both.

They are both junk.

There's no joy working out on old exercise equipment that belongs in a museum. Surely the global financial crises isn't that bad over there for the need to resort for such deperate purchases. It would be like going for a run in an old pair of Addidas Rome joggers dating back to the 70s(since reborn for retro styling but only an idiot would run in them). The purchase of either of those two ergs is likely to lead to a short time interest in indoor rowing before moving onto to something more enjoyable.
That might be true of the Model A, but the B is an extremely durable and well-designed machine that, if properly maintained and even upgraded, can provide decades of excellent workouts. Even more so if you set it up on a pair of slides.

I recently saw a 60 Minutes segment on CNBC about Larry Ellison, founder and CEO or Oracle. The guy's a billionaire 5 or 10 ten times over, owns private jets, a stable of expensive cars, mansions, and the finest America's Cup boats. There was a segment of him in his spacious exercise room working out on a rowing ergometer: a pristine looking Model B.

Re: Which would you keep A or B?

Posted: May 17th, 2012, 7:59 pm
by Carl Watts
I think the Model C was a big step up from the Model B and represented the biggest jump between any version.

Essentially the Model D is just a refinement and if you fit a new handle, chain and the same sprocket and shaft as the D and it's pretty much the same Erg.The same cannot be said from going from the B to the C.

Personally if your going to get serious then I would sell both and get at least a Model C and perhaps later on put a new monitor on it if you wanted to row online with RowPro.

If your just a casual rower then the Model B is going to do you just fine. The model A is a piece of history that now belongs in a Museum.

Re: Which would you keep A or B?

Posted: May 21st, 2012, 11:25 pm
by Rockin Roland
Carl Watts wrote:I think the Model C was a big step up from the Model B and represented the biggest jump between any version.
Carl, It's not often that we both agree on something but I'm with you on that statement. The model C was certainly a big improvement on the model B erg. For that reason I give the model B "junk" status.

I owned a model B erg for about a decade and had issues with it. The flywheeel/fan unit from new had an annoying wobble on the frame that housed it. It related to the manufacturing process where the gap between the frame that held the flywheel was too big and out of alingment to hold it flush and prevent it from sideways movement. Using a clamp helped a little but didn't fix the problem. The build quality for the rest of the erg was also poor.

The model Bs at our rowinng club had nowhere near the durability and life span as the model Cs. The last remaining Model B was sent to the rubbish tip a few years ago.

If I was crying poor I'd rather save up a few more bucks and then shop around for a 2nd hand model C than bother with a Model A or B. There's plenty of cheap model Cs in reasonable condition out there.

Re: Which would you keep A or B?

Posted: May 31st, 2012, 11:24 pm
by johnlvs2run
I'd sell the A and keep the B. You can do a lot to modify the B and improve the dampening of resistance. As it is, flipping the lever on the side will give you a quite high CDE equivalent of 160 to 210 drag factor.

I eventually changed the 13 and 15 tooth sprockets to one of 14, the same as the CDE, and got a pm2 monitor. Maybe you could exchange the A with someone who's not using their pm2 anymore. Otherwise, they are hard to find these days.

The easiest way to reduce the resistance is by cutting black roofing paper, then attaching it to the sides and perimeter with plastic ties. this works great. Then you can have the same or even greater range as with the CDE models. The B has the advantage over the later models that it has a very smooth movement. It also makes more noise but it's a deeper sound compared to the CDE, and the roofing paper helps to reduce it.

As Roland mentioned, the feet of the B are not very balanced, with the front feet being too close to the rower. But it's a good machine, especially for $100.

Re: Which would you keep A or B?

Posted: June 12th, 2012, 1:21 pm
by Demianwulf
We'll, I am just a craigslist hound and I found a Model C for $100 too. The A went back to craigslist and the B was reconditioned and given to my brother who expressed interest in rowing. I am going to fix up the C a bit maybe put a silence kit on it and buy a used PM monitor for it since the pm2 that it came with was broken. I have to admit between them all I can see the big jump between b and c, but there is something about the B that I just really enjoyed. Can't quite put it into words, but it worked pretty flawlessly for the short time i had it and it grew on me. Hoping the C treats me fairly after I clean her up.

Re: Which would you keep A or B?

Posted: June 12th, 2012, 3:47 pm
by johnlvs2run
Demianwulf wrote:We'll, I am just a craigslist hound and I found a Model C for $100 too..
Congratulations on finding that excellent price. What kind of search do you use?
There used to be an online program that did wider searches, but as far as I know it's not working anymore.

Re: Which would you keep A or B?

Posted: June 12th, 2012, 4:53 pm
by Demianwulf
johnlvs2run wrote:
Demianwulf wrote:We'll, I am just a craigslist hound and I found a Model C for $100 too..
Congratulations on finding that excellent price. What kind of search do you use?
There used to be an online program that did wider searches, but as far as I know it's not working anymore.
No special secret, I just do searches on craigslist from time to time and i got lucky. I use the craigslist app on my phone so it is fairly easy to do searches whenever I have a spare moment.

Re: Which would you keep A or B?

Posted: July 31st, 2012, 1:56 pm
by shotparrot
Personally I would sell the C and keep the A. (I know you already put the A on CL, just making a point). I have a A in my garage, and row on an E at one of my gyms, and I pull about the same times. I don't really see/feel any difference in resistance between the two. Only difference is with the A there's a big jerk at the catch, and the roar can get deafening, so I have to turn my music/NPR up real loud. And I can't break it in two, so it's hard to do my other exercises in the limited space of the garage. And I can't have my toddler in there with me, since the bicycle wheel is dangerous. And I have to be careful I don't put the wheel/paddles too close to anything to alter the time. And also have to be careful I don't hit anything with the wheel when I move it, then start rowing again. And there's no holder so I have to yank the handle free before I sit down.

Oh hell who am I kidding? I want a new rower.