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Just Row function now resetting at 1000m

Posted: September 11th, 2011, 11:27 pm
by merlinito
I used my moms Concept 2 Rowing PM3 and changed something which seems to have messed up her usual rowsing experience. She likes to use the 'Just Row' function where the display shows 6 lines on the monitor. She isn't sure which display she usually uses but we have narrowed it down to these two:

:00 | 0 s/m
:00 /500m
:00.0 ave /500 |
:00.0 split /500m
0 projected m 30:00
:00 | 0 s/m
:00 /500m
:00.0 ave /500
0 split meters
0 projected m 30:00

She isn't sure whether the 5th line down usually reads '0:00.0 split /500m' or ':00.0 split meters'. Before I changed something when she would row the meters would just continually add up until she finished rowing. Now when she rows and gets to 1000m it resets to 0 and starts again.

I cycled through the 'Change Display' and 'Change Units' to see if I could figure it out, but without rowing 1000m in each setting I'm unsure of how to fix it. As my ankle is busted this isn't the best option. This is driving her bonkers. Any ideas?