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Chain catching and/or going slack on return

Posted: July 3rd, 2011, 2:10 pm
by CADonovan
Just changed the shock cord on Model B, approximately 10 million meters. Setup looks good, machine runs quietly/smoothly, but on the return stroke there is an intermittent chain catch/slackness, on occasion total slackness.

Not sure what the issue is as I've examined/reexamined everything and have reoiled the chain. Front sprockets also look good. I had no problems with the machine prior to my mechanical intervention.

Question: Do the chain end connectors - fingered style - interlock or face the same direction, i.e. the fingers on each connector pointing the same direction (down)? The diagram seems to indicate interlocking but I was thinking that maybe one of these is catching the chain on the return.



Re: Chain catching and/or going slack on return

Posted: July 3rd, 2011, 2:19 pm
by johnlvs2run
I changed modelB shock cord after 24 million meters, when it was hanging about 6 inches out from the cage,
and quickly becoming almost impossible to row, as the handle was not returning to the cage. I discovered it was
very easy to snug up the shock cord, by pulling out the mechanism from the back of the railing. I should have left
it this way, but mistakenly got a new shock cord, which was extremely tight. I did not like the new shock cord at all.
CADonovan wrote:on the return stroke there is an intermittent chain catch/slackness, on occasion total slackness.
This happened to me, which was caused by the clutch going out in the flywheel assembly. As JonW pointed out,
this could have been just dirt, but the repair is the same. C2 can advise you better on what the problem might be.
Do the chain end connectors - fingered style - interlock or face the same direction, i.e. the fingers on each connector pointing the same direction (down)? The diagram seems to indicate interlocking but I was thinking that maybe one of these is catching the chain on the return.
Are you talking about the parts that slide into the railing? I would ask C2 for the details about that.