How many ergs are there?

Maintenance, accessories, operation. Anything to do with making your erg work.
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How many ergs are there?

Post by PavelS » June 3rd, 2011, 8:39 am

I was wondering, does anyone know/could anyone estimate how many ergs have been produced since 1981 - Mod.A? I read somewhere that C2 is supposed to be the most widespread piece of fitness equipment, I wonder how many ergs it represents.

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Re: How many ergs are there?

Post by slwiser » June 3rd, 2011, 10:02 am

I don't know about the different models but there probably are less than 600 Dynamics in the wild today by my estimation if all that have been produced have been purchased.

I come by this from the C2 Website when they had a sign up saying 5 ergs per day production goal. Assuming production from Dec 2010 (production started in Nov they say) to June 1st at 20 days per month gives me a rough 600 estimate for having been produced. I think the Dynamic is more complex so production of the Dynamic will be a little slower than the other models. I now have one of these in my workout area.

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215 lbs & 5'-9.5".61YO. 8.0MM+ and counting, Dynamic C2
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Re: How many ergs are there?

Post by c2KevinS » June 9th, 2011, 11:22 am

The five-a-day goal was at the very beginning of Dynamic production. I believe the Dynamic pictured is the first true "production" erg, and at that point, five-a-day was a challenge. At first, it was a small group from C2 Engineering establishing assembly procedures, working on layouts, and troubleshooting various bugs. As we learned better techniques and refined processes, the production rate increased. Every machine, particularly at the beginning, is thoroughly tested to make sure the quality is where we expect it. All our new products start out this way, and it's quite an exciting time to be in the shop, with no shortage of things to do!
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Re: How many ergs are there?

Post by sekitori » June 9th, 2011, 9:06 pm

The question asked how many C2 rowers have been manufactured since the Model A first came out. I was also curious about that number. The answers so far have concerned the production of the Dynamic which is quite interesting but still doesn't answer the question.

To repeat the subject of this thread, how many ergs (Models A, B, C, D, E, and Dynamic) are there? Since some of the ergs produced probably no longer exist (30 years is a long time), a better question might be not how many are now in existence but rather how many have actually been manufactured. The number of SkiErgs and slides made by C2 would also be interesting to know as would the number of oars. But since I have never rowed on water, I'm not nearly as curious about the last figure. :-)

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Re: How many ergs are there?

Post by PavelS » August 16th, 2011, 2:38 am

It seems that the number of ergs produced since 1981 is a well kept secret. Strange, I would expect that for company claiming they have the most widespread piece of fitness equipment this should be a strong marketing tool, maybe even with a counter on a website..

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Re: How many ergs are there?

Post by c2jonw » August 16th, 2011, 8:01 am

Being a privately held company (the two Dreissigacker brothers and their wives) Concept2 is under no obligation to reveal sales data and have chosen not to do so. The possible marketing benefit of sharing actual production volume is , in our estimation, far outweighed by the downside- such information is easily misinterpreted, may be misused and may also be useful to competitors. C2JonW (that's me in the middle of the photo in the red shirt!)
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Re: How many ergs are there?

Post by PavelS » August 18th, 2011, 9:24 am

OK, thanks for you reply. I see your reasons and not gonna push any more. My reason for asking was, that when I present Indoor Rowing to someone (I run Indoor Rowing classes and own 39 ergs) claiming that it is probably the most widespread piece of fitness equipment, his next question usually is "how many...". No problem, I will do without it.

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