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Curved handle?
Posted: November 18th, 2010, 11:31 pm
by Big
Is a curved handle available for the Model D? The straight position is not good for arthritic hands. Alternately, does someone have DIY ideas for a handle with a sweep similar to some bike handlebars but shorter? Thanks.
Re: Curved handle?
Posted: November 19th, 2010, 6:53 am
by Byron Drachman
Big wrote:Is a curved handle available for the Model D? The straight position is not good for arthritic hands. Alternately, does someone have DIY ideas for a handle with a sweep similar to some bike handlebars but shorter? Thanks.
Here are some homemade D-grips that can be set at any angle. The wooden dowels rotate so I can feather while erging--probably not of much interest unless you do on the water rowing. There is a pin and stops so the dowel clicks when fully squared or feathered. The small yellow things represent the blades and I can watch them rotate as I practice the gradual rollup as I go into the catch. Again, the feathering and squaring would probably be only of interest if you also row on the water.
The straight piece across is a wood filled mountain bike handlebar. My advice is to be sure the homemade version is strong. There are some big forces applied to the handle.
Re: Curved handle?
Posted: December 26th, 2010, 12:12 pm
by Slidewinder
On page 5 of the thread "Handle Bio-mechanics", Johnlvs2run posted a photo of his cable/handgrip configuration, which is an easy diy project. On the same page I also posted a photo of the "Slidewinder" handle which I designed and built - a bit more elegant solution to the bio-mechanical problems of the rigid, single-piece stock handle.