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Is this just a burned out battery problem?

Posted: April 4th, 2010, 4:36 pm
by Frihed89
My unit is about 4 years old, but I have only used it in fits and starts, lately a lot, but I put it away for a week to make room for guests. I have the original rechargeable batteries in it.

Dead! I plugged in the PM3 to my computer to charge the batteries. After a few hours, it said the batteries were 100%. In the mean time, I uploaded new software and reset the system.

I unplugged the computer: Nada. I rowed. Nada (Nothing - no display -nothing).

I plugged in the computer again and rowed. Everything worked.

I took out the batteries and rowed. Everything worked.

I unplugged the computer again and rowed. Nada.

I plugged in some regular D cell batteries. Monitor came to life. I rowed. Everything worked.

So, is it just that the rechargeable batteries are burned out, or is the generator bad (or both)?

I guess the only way to answer that quest ion is to get some new rechargeable batteries?

Or is there another way. I have a DMM, but don't know where the generator is or what voltages I should test for. DC 1.5V I'd guess.


Re: Is this just a burned out battery problem?

Posted: April 4th, 2010, 5:35 pm
by Citroen
Frihed89 wrote: I have the original rechargeable batteries in it.

Dead! I plugged in the PM3 to my computer to charge the batteries.
PM3 doesn't have rechargables. That feature is only available on a PM4.

Thank you

Posted: April 5th, 2010, 3:58 am
by Frihed89
Well, I'll be---- I just looked carefully at the batteries for the first time!

Thanks so much.


Re: Is this just a burned out battery problem?

Posted: April 5th, 2010, 4:39 am
by Carl Watts
If you can keep your PM3 connected to a PC via the USB then the batteries in it will take years to go flat as power is sourced via the USB when the PM3 is turned on. Some USB ports on newer PC's are now "On" even when the PC is shut down so they make a good connection point to your Monitor.

Re: Is this just a burned out battery problem?

Posted: April 14th, 2010, 6:23 am
by Frihed89
Everything seems to be in order, now. Thanks.