D Model Handles

Maintenance, accessories, operation. Anything to do with making your erg work.
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Post by robhen » September 23rd, 2007, 6:34 am

I just replaced my handle for my model D after doing approx 4 million metres. And aslo replaced one of my rowing club's handles. I would have expected to get more life out of the handles.

I noticed that the new handle was much harder on my hands. I have heaps of callouses from sculling or erging 7 or 8 times a week.

I guess I will have to wear my new handle in.
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Post by Yankeerunner » September 23rd, 2007, 6:57 am

On my handle it was only the left side that wore through. The culprit seems to be the wedding ring. It's the only piece of jewelry I have and it's the only spot that wore through. If I wasn't so old-fashioned about never taking it off because of the symbolism my original handle would most likely still be going strong after more than 10 million.

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Post by Citroen » September 23rd, 2007, 2:02 pm

Yankeerunner wrote: If I wasn't so old-fashioned about never taking it off because of the symbolism
Me and my good lady Debbie vowed not to take our rings off. If we need it removed we have to ask our partner to remove it for us. That's stood us in good stead for more than 21 years of happy marriage (±those rocky patches you have to go through).

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Post by c2jonw » September 24th, 2007, 8:02 am

6-8 pounds is what you should find on new machines. the bungee force serves one purpose- to return the handle to the catch position without a lot of chain slack. Tightening the bungee up is described here:
http://www.concept2.com/us/support/manu ... stment.pdf
The grip material hardness on the D-E handle has changed a couple of times since we started using this design because of wear problems. The current version is harder than the original and should wear better.
The oar grip material is of the same family as the erg handle, generally referred to as TPE, thermoplastic elastomers. The hardness is a little different. C2JonW
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