V97 firmware anomaly

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V97 firmware anomaly

Post by Citroen » August 9th, 2006, 5:02 am

I took a laptop into the gym this morning to update the three PM3s.

One (a new replacement as the screen was failing on the PM3) was running V90. The other two were running V94 beta3.

The V90 PM3 on the D upgraded to V97 with no problems. I rowed a 2K (while the next machine was running the upgrade), two 500m intervals and a round of the fish game.

The newer V94 b3 PM3 also on a D upgraded with no problems. My rowing partner rowed his workout then a couple of rounds of the fish game.

The older V94 b3 (it was on a model D, it's now had a screen replaced under warranty and has been reconfigured (jumper changed) and fitted to a model C) upgraded OK. But then I set it up to row a 1K workout. I realised I hadn't inserted my logcard, so inserted that and re-setup the 1k. Rowed that (3:57.1) and the PM3 froze at the end of the rowing. The workout was recorded OK on my logcard.

I did a reset with a pin in the reset switch.

The PM3 then froze again. (I ran out of time to investigate further.)

What do I do?
1. Revert to V94 b3 then upgrade again?
2. Revert to V94 b10 plus loader then upgrade again?
3. Revert to V94 b3 (and leave it alone)?
4. Revert to V94 b10 plus loader (and leave it alone)?
5. Revert to Vxx? (I've got various versions pakrat'd away)?
6. Contact C2 UK about this?

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Post by c2scott » August 11th, 2006, 3:48 pm


There is no reason that I can think of that the firmware would behave differently or in this fashion. There could be a hardware fault, I suppose, that just wasn't showing up before the update, or the firmware burn could have had probelms (unlikely). I'd suggest a "Full" reset (the pinhole does not reset everything especially in older PM3's) by taking disconnecting ALL power (one battery out and no USB plugged in) and leave it for 15-30 minutes), then put battery back in and monitor it. If it misbehaves again, then let's get it replaced.

One problem I find in many health clubs is they spray them down with cleaners. This has a way of getting inside the unit and eating away at the copper traces on the circuit board. Many times it gets the menu-back button. Newer circuit boards have some incremental changes to reduce the problem, and soon the PM3/PM4 will have a redesigned keypad to help shed liquids better. But, it's possible the damage is already done to this unit.

Folks, don't spray the PM3's down! Wipe with a damp cloth if needed.

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Post by Citroen » August 11th, 2006, 7:04 pm

Curiously this PM3 has been behaving itself.

I'm going to use my normal excuse and blame sunspot activity (I have a theory that the stray neutrinos can randomly convert a 1bit to a 0bit (or vice versa) and that is the reason why computers randomly go wrong).

Having worked with mainframes for twenty five years and having been a product support rep for IBM for 12 years I believe I may have massed enough empirical evidence to prove that theory.

So panic over - it's miraculously fixed. I rowed a HM on that machine tonight.

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