for scott h - pm3 errorcodes 139-xx

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for scott h - pm3 errorcodes 139-xx

Post by shu246 » July 6th, 2006, 9:08 pm

have pm3 retrofitted june 2004 to model B rower.
removed logic card three wks ago while grand-kids visiting.
re-inserted card, and get now error codes 139-xx.
logic card utility (v3.02) maintain card > erase data and users
..reports unable to communicate with card.
pm3 serial nr 200014382, firmware version 92

any clues?

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Post by c2scott » July 7th, 2006, 2:43 pm

First, please know that I do not monitor this forum on a daily basis. For fastest response, email tol

Now then...

139 error indicates "Data logging device is corrupted". I'd suspect the LogCard is on the fritz or worn out. I would think it would last much longer than 2 years, but with heavy use, it could be damaged or worn. I'd try cleaning the contacts, reinserting and letting me know if you get something other than 139 error. Then, if still getting the below symptoms, I'd suggest backing the card up to a backup (LCB) file if you want to save the information. However, it seems like you want to erase stuff, so you could just try formatting the card.

I don't think your Firmware is going to affect this. I think your connection with your PC seems fine.

-- Scott

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