best practices for maintaining C2 slides?

Maintenance, accessories, operation. Anything to do with making your erg work.
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best practices for maintaining C2 slides?

Post by Tdva3 » February 1st, 2025, 5:48 pm

hey all- just wondering if anyone has thoughts/practices around cleaning/maintaining slides? note i'm not asking about the erg rail and the rollers under the seat, but the slides on which the erg sits. feel free to point me to a video or forum topic about this -- i may have missed something that already exists out there. thanks!

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Re: best practices for maintaining C2 slides?

Post by Citroen » February 2nd, 2025, 6:21 am

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Re: best practices for maintaining C2 slides?

Post by Cyclist2 » February 2nd, 2025, 12:52 pm

I literally just put my erg back on the slides after a month of static training for the erg race. :D

Those PDFs give all the info you need. As far as routine maintenance, I wipe the rollers and tracks with a damp rag occasionally - they do collect dust and stuff same as the erg rail. I also take the erg off the carriages each row to prevent getting dimples in the plastic track; set the front legs on the slide frame, the back on the floor.

Other than that they have performed great for years.
Mark Underwood. Rower first, cyclist too.

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