Hi everyone,
my club bought some C2 slides and wants to organize some team racing. How do you sum up a team's result and compare it with other teams? do you use any software? Any thoughts, ideas?
slides and races
Re: slides and races
Slides or not, start by summing for each crew what the single PMs show: time, distance or average Watts. Using Watts can help adjust for weight, if needed.
if you don't have enough ergs and slides to race all together, keep it blind, so that a crew doesn't know what others have done.
C2 suggests slides as crews are for coaching, not racing:
https://www.concept2.com/indoor-rowers/ ... ies/slides
if you don't have enough ergs and slides to race all together, keep it blind, so that a crew doesn't know what others have done.
C2 suggests slides as crews are for coaching, not racing:
https://www.concept2.com/indoor-rowers/ ... ies/slides
08-1940, 179cm, 83kg.