RowErg creeping forwards

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RowErg creeping forwards

Post by Sandeman » September 22nd, 2022, 6:37 am

Do any of you have issues with the RowErg slowly creeping forwards during a session?

If I do a 10 km session it's not uncommon that I end up more than half a meter forwards from where I started. So it's only a tiny move every stroke, but it's definitely there.

I tried to pay attention to what's causing it and it seems to be twofold:
1) At the catch (or the beginning of the drive) there is no real resistance yet from the chain and I think I'm pushing the rower away from under me a little bit every stroke. Of course at the end of the drive I don't apply such a violent force at the machine so it moves forwards a tiny bit.
2) I'm a bit heavy (110 kg) and I think the RowErg flexes just a tiny bit when I'm all in front. This causes a force that pushes the front legs and the back legs away from each other. When I roll back I push more on the back legs (gravity) than the front legs so if the RowErg unflexes during the drive it would mean that the front legs could move a tiny bit forward as well.

This all combined with a slippery (laminate) floor with some dust on it (it's the attic, don't judge me for not vacuuming there every day :mrgreen: ) probably causes my wandering RowErg.
I clean the feet regularly with a damp cloth to clean the dust off but it doesn't make very much of a difference.

Usually it's not a big problem, but when I'm really concentrating and pushing very hard I don't pay any attention to where I'm going. And straight ahead (about a meter from my startingpoint) are the stairs :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I don't think I want to find out what happens if the front of the rower tips over that edge.

I thought of laying a wooden beam in front of the stairs so that would keep me from falling down, but maybe you have any ideas to stop this creeping from happening at all?

For instance I once tried to put a rubbery yoga mat under the rower but that only made it worse :lol:
1976 male from the Netherlands; 1m98 , 110kg, started RowErging in 03/2022
PB's: 100m=0:18.6, 500m=1:44.3; 1k=3:51.6, 2k=8:01.8, 5k=21:29.3, 6k=26:29.0, 10k=42:44.6, 30min=7,022m, 60min=13,304m

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Re: RowErg creeping forwards

Post by nick rockliff » September 22nd, 2022, 6:47 am

Sandeman wrote:
September 22nd, 2022, 6:37 am
Do any of you have issues with the RowErg slowly creeping forwards during a session?

If I do a 10 km session it's not uncommon that I end up more than half a meter forwards from where I started. So it's only a tiny move every stroke, but it's definitely there.

I tried to pay attention to what's causing it and it seems to be twofold:
1) At the catch (or the beginning of the drive) there is no real resistance yet from the chain and I think I'm pushing the rower away from under me a little bit every stroke. Of course at the end of the drive I don't apply such a violent force at the machine so it moves forwards a tiny bit.
2) I'm a bit heavy (110 kg) and I think the RowErg flexes just a tiny bit when I'm all in front. This causes a force that pushes the front legs and the back legs away from each other. When I roll back I push more on the back legs (gravity) than the front legs so if the RowErg unflexes during the drive it would mean that the front legs could move a tiny bit forward as well.

This all combined with a slippery (laminate) floor with some dust on it (it's the attic, don't judge me for not vacuuming there every day :mrgreen: ) probably causes my wandering RowErg.
I clean the feet regularly with a damp cloth to clean the dust off but it doesn't make very much of a difference.

Usually it's not a big problem, but when I'm really concentrating and pushing very hard I don't pay any attention to where I'm going. And straight ahead (about a meter from my startingpoint) are the stairs :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I don't think I want to find out what happens if the front of the rower tips over that edge.

I thought of laying a wooden beam in front of the stairs so that would keep me from falling down, but maybe you have any ideas to stop this creeping from happening at all?

For instance I once tried to put a rubbery yoga mat under the rower but that only made it worse :lol:
I had the same problem when I used to row on a glossy porcelain tiled floor. I ended up wrapping some double sided carpet tape around each foot pad on the erg and sticking it to the floor. Worked a treat.
67 6' 4" 108kg
PBs 2k 6:16.4 5k 16:37.5 10k 34:35.5 30m 8727 60m 17059 HM 74:25.9 FM 2:43:48.8
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Re: RowErg creeping forwards

Post by MPx » September 22nd, 2022, 7:14 am

Only really happened to me during sprints rather than steady state but definitiely there and worse on a shiney floor. A C2 erg mat helps - presumably availabe in all markets ... r-mat.html. This still wont be good enough for extreme sprints - for which many use weight plates on the feet. I've wedged mine with blocks of wood between two cant go anywhere, perfect!
Mike - 67 HWT 183


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Re: RowErg creeping forwards

Post by Sandeman » September 22nd, 2022, 7:36 am

Oh wow... They actually have a solution for this already :lol: :oops:
1976 male from the Netherlands; 1m98 , 110kg, started RowErging in 03/2022
PB's: 100m=0:18.6, 500m=1:44.3; 1k=3:51.6, 2k=8:01.8, 5k=21:29.3, 6k=26:29.0, 10k=42:44.6, 30min=7,022m, 60min=13,304m

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Re: RowErg creeping forwards

Post by gvcormac » September 22nd, 2022, 12:01 pm

I put flat (not cupped) "washing machine footpads" under the four points where the C2 contacts the floor. Works like a charm.

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Re: RowErg creeping forwards

Post by Ombrax » September 22nd, 2022, 11:16 pm

Yet another option, when this was happening to me:

Harbor Freight mesh liner for toolbox shelves. You get a whole bunch for $7, and it works well. ... 67055.html

Edit: I realize the OP probably doesn't have access to Harbor Freight stuff, but might have something similar on hand, and those in the US will be able to find it.

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Re: RowErg creeping forwards

Post by Sandeman » September 23rd, 2022, 2:21 am

Good options, thnx.
I am indeed not in the US (or even close :wink: ) but there might be something similar here.
I'll see if I can find something suitable next week.
1976 male from the Netherlands; 1m98 , 110kg, started RowErging in 03/2022
PB's: 100m=0:18.6, 500m=1:44.3; 1k=3:51.6, 2k=8:01.8, 5k=21:29.3, 6k=26:29.0, 10k=42:44.6, 30min=7,022m, 60min=13,304m

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Re: RowErg creeping forwards

Post by JaapvanE » September 23rd, 2022, 4:24 am

I have the Concept2 mat to catch sweat and other stuff. As my floor is quite smooth, it slips. Underneath the mat (under the pressure points of the RowErg feet, I added non-slip stickers (see ... UTF8&psc=1).

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Re: RowErg creeping forwards

Post by Nomath » September 23rd, 2022, 4:13 pm

In the NLs, you can go to an Action store and buy anti-slip pads. Put them under the rear legs of the rower.

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Re: RowErg creeping forwards

Post by Sandeman » September 24th, 2022, 6:27 am

Oh nice! I just was there this morning :mrgreen:
Will have a look later on, thnx!
1976 male from the Netherlands; 1m98 , 110kg, started RowErging in 03/2022
PB's: 100m=0:18.6, 500m=1:44.3; 1k=3:51.6, 2k=8:01.8, 5k=21:29.3, 6k=26:29.0, 10k=42:44.6, 30min=7,022m, 60min=13,304m

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Re: RowErg creeping forwards

Post by estragon » November 19th, 2022, 4:05 pm

I had this problem when my rower was on a lacquered wooden floor. I fixed the problem by putting a thin rubber-backed yoga mat under the rear feet of the C2. It solved the problem instantly. Any rubbery mat should do the job as long as it's fairly thin.

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Re: RowErg creeping forwards

Post by Willy.VdW » November 19th, 2022, 5:51 pm

Sandeman wrote:
September 22nd, 2022, 6:37 am
At the catch (or the beginning of the drive) there is no real resistance yet from the chain...
I have read some topics about this. I believe it is (or can be) a matter of technique.
If I am not mistaken, compared to the time of the drive, the time of the recovery should be longer.
When I concentrate on doing a "forceful" and fast drive, followed by a recovery that takes
about 1,5 to 2 times that of the drive, then at the next catch the flywheel has slowed
down to the point that I feel a decent amount of resistance from the very start.

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