PM4 not comnecting to android or Windows PC

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PM4 not comnecting to android or Windows PC

Post by marillo » April 16th, 2022, 7:05 am


si ce a few days I cannot connect my pm4 to my device (notebook or android)

Before that it was working fine.

In the ergdata app it says "please connect pm4" although the pm4 is connected and battery is charging while connected to mobile phone.

How is it possible, that the app or windows pc is not recognizing the pm4 anymore? I hope you guys can give some valuable feedback.

Thanks and Best Regards!

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Re: PM4 not comnecting to android or Windows PC

Post by JaapvanE » April 16th, 2022, 7:44 am

Are you connecting through the cable or bluetooth?

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Re: PM4 not comnecting to android or Windows PC

Post by marillo » April 16th, 2022, 10:10 am

through the cable, i have a cable fro my android and another different cable to connect to windows notebook. with both i have the same issue: pm4 is charging, but the devicwa are not recognizing the pm4.

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Re: PM4 not comnecting to android or Windows PC

Post by Tsnor » April 16th, 2022, 5:34 pm

Before doing too much, try a reset of the pm4 and swap to fresh batteries.

Concept2 says "Remove the batteries and unplugging the USB cable and leaving the batteries and cable out for 24 hours." I'd try 5 mins first before letting it sit overnight.

If that doesn't help I'd try uninstalling ergdata then reinstalling it.

Last resort I'd try a factory reset of the PM4 that will lose lifetime meters. "On the face of the monitor, press and hold the Change Units and Change Display buttons, while pressing and releasing the Reset button on the back of the monitor."

If your PM4 firmware is old now might be a good time to update it if Concept2 Utility can see the PM4.

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Re: PM4 not comnecting to android or Windows PC

Post by Carl Watts » April 16th, 2022, 8:41 pm

Reset the PM4 by holding down the two lower left buttons and paperclip the reset switch at the back.

Update the firmware.

Reset it again and you should be good to go.

Personally I would be moving on to a PM5 now if your using ErgData all the time, the PM4 has had its day.

The PM5 has Bluetooth now and if you get a new 3rd Gen PM5 and you have a new 1 to 2 year old phone its rock solid.
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Re: PM4 not comnecting to android or Windows PC

Post by marillo » April 18th, 2022, 9:25 am

The reset didnt work unfortunately. Well, it had the latest firmware version. the thing is, it just worked fine for me. i dont need bluetooth or the newest pm5. it s just sad to have to buy a new one and trash the "old" one. i hope someone from concept2 can help me out.

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Re: PM4 not comnecting to android or Windows PC

Post by Citroen » April 18th, 2022, 10:49 am

marillo wrote:
April 18th, 2022, 9:25 am
The reset didnt work unfortunately. Well, it had the latest firmware version. the thing is, it just worked fine for me. i dont need bluetooth or the newest pm5. it s just sad to have to buy a new one and trash the "old" one. i hope someone from concept2 can help me out.
To get someone from Concept2 to help send an email to

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Re: PM4 not comnecting to android or Windows PC

Post by Carl Watts » April 18th, 2022, 8:40 pm

You don't need to trash the old one, sell it they still get good money if its the version made after 2008.

Would probably sell it for near half the price of a new one to someone who doesn't use ErgData and that would be 95% of those out there.

Technology moves on you just have to keep up. I'm the worst for trying to use old shit but it gets to the point your time is worth more than the mucking about to keep it working.
Carl Watts.
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Re: PM4 not comnecting to android or Windows PC

Post by marillo » April 26th, 2022, 5:15 pm

thank you all! i contacted concept2 support, but they cant do much. ill try to get a new one. thanks and stay safe fit and safe guys! :)

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