My two months old Model D erg makes an occasional knocking sound at the extreme end at the catch position. I think this basically only happens when I overcompress, so I am not very worried about it. I take it as my over compression warning.

I was finally able to trace it to the chain hitting the plastic return mechanism cover bellow it. Basically, the chain is slack and when I start pulling on the handle, the chain vibrates and hits the cover. Again, this only happens when I get very close to the chain guard. Probably too close. I tried replacing shock cord, but that did not help. Taking the plastic cover out obviously helps, but that's probably not a solution.
I am trying to sort this out through Concept 2 support, but I was also wondering if maybe it's something that's relatively common. Normally, I'd go to a gym and test Model D there, but somehow, with the lockdown, that's not possible.

So, does anybody have experience with anything similar? If you go extremely close to the chain guard while rowing, do you get a chain hitting the plastic cover?
Here's one short video demonstrating the issue: