PM5 Hard Fault

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PM5 Hard Fault

Post by jsax050 » March 23rd, 2019, 2:55 pm

Just ran into an issue with my PM5 after a workout - I had it connected to ErgData and it was running the previous firmware version (165). Right after the workout it gave me a "Hard Fault Error" with a huge string of numbers/text. I searched online and couldn't match any of the hard fault error codes on Concept 2's website with what I was seeing. The error reappears anytime I try to access the memory feature in the monitor.

I upgraded to the latest firmware (166) and ran the repair feature on the memory, then tried to access the memory again and the error came up again. Any ideas? I tried attaching a picture of the monitor but it's not letting me. This is what I see...

"Hard Fault Err - 10001608
0806652E 01000000 00000000
41880000 00000000 41800000
41880000 41800000 41880000
41900000 41980000 41A00000
41A80000 41B00000 41B80000
41C00000 41C80000 41D00000
41D80000 41E00000 41E80000
41800000 41880000 07FDF903
FFFFFFF 41A00000 41A800000
Screen Addr - 000406F8
Command Addr - 00040AC0
Record data, hold key to reset"

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Re: PM5 Hard Fault

Post by Citroen » March 23rd, 2019, 6:04 pm

On Monday, pick up the phone and call Concept2. Your PM5 should be under warranty.

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Re: PM5 Hard Fault

Post by Carl Watts » March 23rd, 2019, 9:31 pm

I would do a full factory default reset on it.

viewtopic.php?f=10&t=185392&p=467183&hi ... et#p467183

If that doesn't work it sounds like the flash memory has failed.
Carl Watts.
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Re: PM5 Hard Fault

Post by Philippe » May 15th, 2019, 4:04 pm


Did you have a solution to your issue with PM5?
I am currently facing the exact same issue...

I would like to know if the reset is solving the issue... or if there is anoher way to fix it.

Thank in advance for your answer.

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Re: PM5 Hard Fault

Post by Carl Watts » May 15th, 2019, 10:13 pm

Update to the latest firmware.

Have you then tried the full factory reset to the defaults ?

Probably worth doing this first and then let us know if it fixes it or not.

If both of these don't work and the monitor is running in isolation (not connected to anything else) then pickup the phone to Concept 2, your monitor is probably faulty.

If its only a problem with Ergdata then its becomes fun. Similar problem to when using RowPro, you don't know if the issue is with the monitor or RowPro or even the PC.If you have the latest firmware versions and software versions and you still have issues your kind of stuffed.
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Re: PM5 Hard Fault

Post by Philippe » May 16th, 2019, 3:39 am

Thanks a lot for your answer, carl.

So far, I have the latest PM5 firmware (166) already installed (so before the issue).
I have tried a factory reset, and it seems to work now, at least I don't have this problem anymore when completing a workout, or trying to access the memory.
However, I didn't have time to check if it solved the problem even with the PM5 connected to Ergdata... I will check this today.

Thanks again for your help.

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Re: PM5 Hard Fault

Post by Carl Watts » May 16th, 2019, 9:08 pm

The "full factory reset to defaults" appears to solve corrupted memory where your results are stored. It worked for my Older PM5 on V29 Firmware.
Carl Watts.
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Re: PM5 Hard Fault

Post by Philippe » May 17th, 2019, 5:07 pm

yes, the "full factory reset" was indeed the solution: now I don't have the issue anymore, even when using Ergdata.
So everything is fine (except, of course, that I have lost all the data in the PM5... but that's the price for solving the issue).

So thanks again for your help.

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Re: PM5 Hard Fault

Post by fubarok » September 3rd, 2019, 4:25 am

just so the software guys know I too am having this issue ( sorry new to forum ) and will try the full factory reset and report back :)


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Re: PM5 Hard Fault

Post by fubarok » September 3rd, 2019, 1:29 pm

HI All i did the hard reset and which seemed to go fine and now the unit is not seeing the sender unit or something as if I spin up it sees no RPM ????

WTF man this is frustrating as I had just used it for a 5k row :x
now it is useless ......any Ideas guys ....??? need help ASAP

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Re: PM5 Hard Fault

Post by fubarok » September 3rd, 2019, 1:36 pm

update just realisied the pm5 had reset to a D/E rower , I have a C .....
so you need to reset this and can be found here ... stuck-zero

not sure why this setting needs to be hidden and not part of the standard menus

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Re: PM5 Hard Fault

Post by Carl Watts » September 3rd, 2019, 5:44 pm

It needs to be a hidden menu so your typical gym member cannot find it and fiddle with it.

For example have you tried changing the language, pressed the menu back a few times and then tried how to find out how to get it back to English ?

Hours of entertainment. :lol:

Actually I quickly gave up on it and pulled the batteries....
Carl Watts.
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Re: PM5 Hard Fault

Post by mack418 » October 31st, 2019, 2:02 pm

I have the same problem with every workout using KREW. i think it only started after updating the pm5 to v166 because i didn't see it before.ive done factory resets, or pulled battery to fix the problem but at the moment it means im not getting any data to log.

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Re: PM5 Hard Fault

Post by Citroen » November 1st, 2019, 5:05 am

mack418 wrote:
October 31st, 2019, 2:02 pm
I have the same problem with every workout using KREW. i think it only started after updating the pm5 to v166 because i didn't see it before.ive done factory resets, or pulled battery to fix the problem but at the moment it means im not getting any data to log.
Same advice as ever. Pick up the phone and call Concept2. 0115 9340140

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Re: PM5 Hard Fault

Post by Schwingi » November 15th, 2019, 6:03 pm

Got a brand new Model D today, 3 workouts, 3 times hard fault... A really bad start.
