easier way to create favorites workouts?

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easier way to create favorites workouts?

Post by wizardofaz » October 30th, 2018, 3:52 pm

I like to set up my PM5 with a structured workout. Setting it up through the PM5 panel is long and tedious, and one mistake and you get to start over. I know the favorites are stored in favorites.bin on the USB stick, so it seems an opportunity to have a PC based editor that would allow easier and quicker creation/editing of workout programs. I don't find any mention of such, so I'm asking the question. Is there a way? If not, is the format published so that one could be created?
Thanks - Bill

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Re: easier way to create favorites workouts?

Post by Citroen » October 30th, 2018, 5:46 pm

All data on the old 32K logcards and on the USB stick is Concept2 proprietary.

I reverse engineered the old 32K logcards by taking a copy (with the util) rowing a specific workout then seeing what had changed in the new copy.

You could do the same by programming a new workout then seeing what changes. Note: that may be a violation of US DCMA or EU law depending where in the world you're located.

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Re: easier way to create favorites workouts?

Post by Psychopasta » October 30th, 2018, 8:18 pm

I think LiveRowing makes creating workouts much easier than using the pushbutton approach.

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