Ergdata and calorie calculation

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Ergdata and calorie calculation

Post by messner » September 28th, 2018, 4:17 pm

Hi from Sweden

New owner of a brand new Concept 2.

Do Ergdata recalculate my calorie burn to my actual weight 70kg that I entered in Ergdata? The calorie burned from the PM5 is based on a fixed weight at 175 pounds/79.5 kg as I understand it.

""To determine the number of Calories burned per hour during your workout, Concept2 Performance Monitors use a formula based on a 175 pound/79.5 kg individual""From ... calculator

I do track my calories with myfitnespal that is synced with Garmin connect and I use a Garmin fenix 5x and in the beginning I used indoor rowing on the watch but it does not show how many meters I have rowed but the calories is based from my weight hight gender and age. So instead I use Ergdata and only broadcast my heart rate to PM5 and to Ergdata and the information syncs to concept logbook and to Garmin concept. Also in concept logbook I have entered my weight and length.

So does the calorie value I get, is it based on a 175 pounds/79.5 kg individual or my own weight 70kg that I entered in Ergdata. If not what is the purpose to enter the weight in erg data, and to enter my weight and length in concept 2 logbook?

Maybe its better to enter indor rowing on my garmin watch because it goes after my weight, length, gender, age and pulse, but the problem there it does not show how many meters I have rowed.

79.5kg as standard is pretty much for a individ, for a endurance athlete You have to be around 190-200cm long at that weight, they weigh offen there lenght minus 110-120 in cm, like Bruce Lee 170cm long minus 110 gives 60kg. For instance Alberto Contador Tour de France winner weigh about 62kg at 176cm long. But rowers have more muscle and weigh more but I think somebody at 80kg at normal length maybe 175cm is pretty fat, no sixpack ha ha :D

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Re: Ergdata and calorie calculation

Post by bob01 » September 29th, 2018, 2:23 am



Garmin connect (doesn't need iiq )

Why worry about calories.... Far more important parameters... The cals will look after themselves

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Re: Ergdata and calorie calculation

Post by messner » September 29th, 2018, 4:17 am


I have not tried Ergiq, but there seems to be alot of problems and it does not show the distance in garmin connect as I understand it. I do wonder if there are any benifits to use Ergiq now when ERGDATA now sync al data to Garmin connect (rather new feature).

Tracking calories (my fitnespal) is a very powerfull tool, take about one minut a day and it is so much easier to stay in shape with tracking calories than training. Like they say, You are what You eating, abs are made in the k-itchen, 80% are food 20% are training :D If You dont eat enough you will loose muscle mass

I do eat mostly whole foods, natural foods, lean foods and it contains offen less calories than factory foods but have much more nutrients. I offen gets satiated at 1500-2000 calories, but my Calorie expenditure is about 3000 calories a day, so its a reminder to eat more and now I am bulking to get more muscles so I eat about 3000 + 250 calories= 3250 calories a day that is a pretty big volume food in natural foods, like 4.6 kg cod or about 30 bananas a day for example. But 3000 calories are pretty low compared to athletes, a Tour de france cyclist burns about 7000-9000 calories a day, Michael Phelps swimmer about 8000-10000 calories a day ... 0000-quote . The Rock (Dwayne Johnsson) diet 5000 calories ... &IR=T&IR=T

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Re: Ergdata and calorie calculation

Post by messner » September 29th, 2018, 5:46 am

Little OT

I wrote 79.5kg, was much and tried to delite but couldnt. I had to educate my self :D Rowers are pretty big

"Male Olympians tend to be between 1.90m and 1.95m (6'3"-6'5") and females 1.80m-185m (5'11"-6'1")."

"The average weight for a male world-class rower 90-95kg (14st 2lb-15st). The women weigh in at 75-80kg (11st 11lb-12st 8lb)."

"And that's almost pure muscle - because they don't want to carry any extra weight, rowers tend to be very lean."

From ... 574172.stm

I have been traning at 9 different gyms for about 32 years and probably have bad genetics and maybe do not intake enough calories to gain enough muscle mass to have a lean body and be heavy muscular. To be 190cm and weigh 90kg (length -100) and to be lean (ripped) that is a lot of muscle mass, and my self I am pretty fat at 14% bodyfat at 175cm long and 70kg, and to obtain length -100 and then my stats would be 175cm long at 75kg, hade to loose fat to around 6-12% bodyfat and gain more than 5kg pure muscle mass, I dont have the genetics for it I Think and also dont go on steroids :D Very many people are on steroids, they think that there are 1 million steroid users in UK and in Sweden there are at least 32 steroid user at every gym on average. With my genetics and no steriods I would be pretty fat with 175cm and 75kg, nore more abs :lol:

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Re: Ergdata and calorie calculation

Post by bojam » November 6th, 2018, 8:10 am

Indoor rowing and OTW have a light weight category to balance out the size issue.

Bit puzzled at 14% body fat I'd not consider myself fat. If you want to lose fat and gain fitness in the process ... start training to a a schedule pick one ... The Marathon Guide by Eddie Fletcher ... Pete Marston's Pete Plan or Mike Caviston's Wolverine Program but any will do ...

Calories shown on the PM are calories burnt to do the work... The calories required to be eaten to do it vary. Eddie's guide goes into detail on this.

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