Meters on a logcard

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Meters on a logcard

Post by Sully » March 26th, 2016, 8:26 am


I use a logcard to keep track of my meters at my local gym, but hardly ever log them on the site. I don't have a card reader, so although I have around 850,000m on my card, my profile only has 324,000m logged.
Do you think C2 would accept a photo of my logcard as evidence that I've rowed a million meters, so I can claim my certificate?


If rowing was easy, it would be called "spin class"

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Re: Meters on a logcard

Post by mwalsh » March 26th, 2016, 8:57 am

The card readers are really cheap. This is the one we use for our secure computer ID cards at work: ... usb+reader
Age: 54 Weight: 91.5kg/202lbs Height: 174cm/5' 8.5" Fitness level: jog 5 miles daily and swim 30 minutes almost daily; I'd say fit but with a persistent beer gut.


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Re: Meters on a logcard

Post by Sully » March 26th, 2016, 9:12 am

Cheers, the ones on the C2 website are £40 so didn't really want to pay that.

Thanks for the reply.

If rowing was easy, it would be called "spin class"

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Re: Meters on a logcard

Post by Citroen » March 28th, 2016, 8:02 am

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