Shpping help

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Shpping help

Post by mani » April 4th, 2006, 6:56 pm

I need to ship my model D cross country. What kinda box should I use and where can I get a hold of one?


Bought mine used and didn't come with a box

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Re: Shpping help

Post by PaulS » April 4th, 2006, 6:59 pm

mani wrote:I need to ship my model D cross country. What kinda box should I use and where can I get a hold of one?


Bought mine used and didn't come with a box
C2 will send you a box that is perfect for the task for a nominal fee. Give them a call, I think you will find it worthwhile.
Erg on,
Paul Smith Your source for Useful Rowing Accessories and Training Assistance.
"If you don't want to know the answer, don't ask me the question."

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