Squeak noise from new Model D

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Squeak noise from new Model D

Post by Mr.E » March 11th, 2014, 5:04 pm


I purchased my Model D with PM4 last week and love it and so far I have rowed about 36,000 metres. It doesn't affect it while rowing but today I noticed a squeak when I pull and release the chain slowly. Also to me the chain sounds loud as it retracts. I cleaned/ oiled the chain as described in the instructions but that made no difference.

One other thing to note, after a couple of days using the rower I noticed that the end cap wasn't fitted correctly so I opened it with using and allen key. In the process the hook and nut holding the cap on the inside came loose. I eventually got it back together. Is it possible that this could have caused the noises I'm hearing?

Maybe this sound is normal and I'm being paranoid? I'd appreciate the opinion of experienced users, here's a quick video:


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Re: Squeak noise from new Model D

Post by Citroen » March 11th, 2014, 6:20 pm

You ARE being paranoid.
At 36K on the clock it's not run-in yet.

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Re: Squeak noise from new Model D

Post by Mr.E » March 11th, 2014, 6:46 pm

Citroen wrote:You ARE being paranoid.
At 36K on the clock it's not run-in yet.
That's what I was hoping! Thanks

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Re: Squeak noise from new Model D

Post by Ergmeister » March 20th, 2014, 8:25 am

Not a big deal at this point, but certainly one to be aware of if it increases in noise level and doesn't go away. That sounds like a slight bearing chirp at the axle, or possibly a bungee/chain roller in the tube. It could be as simple as just needing a few drops of oil in the right place, but I'd keep an eye on it if it were mine. Image

I could hear the chirp-chirp-chirp sound on each revolution so I think it's likely coming from one of the axle bearings that are sitting in the rubber bushings on each end and suspend the axle. It could also be a chain or bungee roller inside the tube but it sure sounds like it's coming from the axle in your video. Try to isolate the sound if you can to be sure where it's coming from. For less than $3 "Hazard Fraught Tools" (a derogatory nickname we mechanics gave that company based on their abundance of cheesy easily breakable tools) have a stethoscope tool that is great for finding the source of things like this.

At least that's my Image on this.

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Re: Squeak noise from new Model D

Post by DuffyF56 » March 20th, 2014, 8:37 pm

Asked and answered here...............


Have had no squeaks since my procedure and slight oiling of one of two chain pulleys.
58 y, 181cm, 5' 11.25", 99.8kg, 220 Lbs

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Re: Squeak noise from new Model D

Post by Mr.E » March 22nd, 2014, 6:13 pm

Thanks for your replies. I was in touch with Concept2 who also suggested oiling the pulley. That worked and the squeak is no more.

The chain still sounds noisy to me when pulled slowly (reminds me of a slightly misaligned bicycle derailleur) but I don't have access to another Model D to compare it with so hopefully its ok.

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Re: Squeak noise from new Model D

Post by rowbike » March 23rd, 2014, 1:11 pm

Is the chain hitting the plastic guards at all when retracting, specifically the black plastic guide below the chain where it enters? That is what the video sounds like to me, though maybe the video does not pick up the sound accurately.

My model D has well over 1M meters on it and it has always had a chain noise when slowly retracting, though I wouldn't say it sounds like a bad derailleur. More like a loose chain on mine, but that is what it is. So do the C2's at the gym. If the chain is smooth when rowing, I'd think it is okay.

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