Makes you wonder

Maintenance, accessories, operation. Anything to do with making your erg work.
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Makes you wonder

Post by jliddil » March 23rd, 2010, 8:23 am

So I noticed yesterday my corporate gym was finally having new Model D ergs delivered. I go by this morning and see that who ever assembled them (either Gym Source (who delivered them) or our corporate facilities) put the front stand on backwards. I point this out to the manager of the gym who never even noticed. You have to wonder how difficult is it to read directions, I put mine together no problem. The directions clearly state that you put the front stand on in a certain way. And as a gym manager I would consider it my job to make sure things were put together correctly. But she considers me the rowing "expert" so I'm no longer surprised that this stuff happens

If I had not gone down to look I wonder how long the rowers would have been in use this way? Now that I have one at home I haven't even been going to my corporate gym. Might have been a real laugh for some really heavy person to get on the rower, put it on ten, row away and then see the front leg buckle or frame joint crack. :twisted:
Age: 51; H: 6"5'; W: 172 lbs;

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Re: Makes you wonder

Post by PaulH » March 23rd, 2010, 9:49 am

Might be an opportunity for C2 to tweak the design so that you can't do this, either by putting a sticky-out piece that blocks the incorrect way, or by putting a sticker on that says "if you can read this while seated you've done something wrong!". Though some folks I know would react to the latter idea by peeling the sticker off :)

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Re: Makes you wonder

Post by Citroen » March 23rd, 2010, 10:14 am

PaulH wrote:Might be an opportunity for C2 to tweak the design so that you can't do this, either by putting a sticky-out piece that blocks the incorrect way, or by putting a sticker on that says "if you can read this while seated you've done something wrong!". Though some folks I know would react to the latter idea by peeling the sticker off :)
The real answer would be to redesign the mounting so that the front legs can only be fitted the correct way. Probably just a case of moving where the screw holes are drilled/tapped or have it with two differing sizes of bolt.
Dougie Lawson
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Re: Makes you wonder

Post by jliddil » March 23rd, 2010, 10:44 am

Citroen wrote:
PaulH wrote:Might be an opportunity for C2 to tweak the design so that you can't do this, either by putting a sticky-out piece that blocks the incorrect way, or by putting a sticker on that says "if you can read this while seated you've done something wrong!". Though some folks I know would react to the latter idea by peeling the sticker off :)
The real answer would be to redesign the mounting so that the front legs can only be fitted the correct way. Probably just a case of moving where the screw holes are drilled/tapped or have it with two differing sizes of bolt.
OK but how Idiot proof do things need to be made? After all this was put together by guys who at least know how to use tools? Oh right idiots can use tools. And I'm still annoyed that our fitness manager with a MS in exercise isn't paying attention
Age: 51; H: 6"5'; W: 172 lbs;

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