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by treefrog
December 9th, 2023, 8:20 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: what do those endorphins feel like?
Replies: 20
Views: 8604

Re: what do those endorphins feel like?

I guess that's where I get my endorphins. Maybe that's it. You just have a different response, or maybe you're expecting it to feel like a different kind of rush? I'd possibly suggest focusing on the pride of improving towards your goals instead. I'm a big fan of eyes closed rowing where you just z...
by treefrog
December 9th, 2023, 8:10 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: what do those endorphins feel like?
Replies: 20
Views: 8604

Re: what do those endorphins feel like?

I think there are two parts to this. Firstly, the feeling of elation one sometimes experiences when undertaking aerobic activity - an exercise 'high', if you will. In my experience, this is somewhat rare. Also, I think you're unlikely to experience it unless you have a relatively high level of cond...
by treefrog
December 9th, 2023, 12:31 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: what do those endorphins feel like?
Replies: 20
Views: 8604

Re: what do those endorphins feel like?

Thanks for the comments! That's a lot of food for thought. My goal for rowing is to increase strength and aerobic capacity so I feel better. This goal can be measured by my ability to keep up with my friend when we go biking. Specifically on the uphills, because I can beat her on the flats. That pro...
by treefrog
December 8th, 2023, 1:34 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: what do those endorphins feel like?
Replies: 20
Views: 8604

what do those endorphins feel like?

I just passed my one-year anniversary with the erg. I'm generally active by day - live on wooded acreage with goats and orchard and gardens, so there's always chores. I prefer to be outside - that's my happy place. I started rowing to get some aerobic work in because the outside chores tend to be mo...