Search found 4 matches

by Simeone1324
May 10th, 2023, 5:40 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!
Replies: 14131
Views: 6092740

Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

I got a 43m 14s 10k today. 49m 89kg. Been rowing nearly 2 months.
by Simeone1324
April 11th, 2023, 1:25 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: What Training Have You Done Today?
Replies: 46691
Views: 16777215

Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Thanks dood. It seems really unfair that a 76kg 5'9 guy is in the same class as a 115kg 6' 8 chap? That can't be right?!
by Simeone1324
April 2nd, 2023, 8:21 am
Forum: Training
Topic: Brand new to rowing - 7 min 2k possible? Effect of damper?
Replies: 22
Views: 34117

Re: Brand new to rowing - 7 min 2k possible? Effect of damper?

Hey there, this is useful info. I'm 49 and male. Been rowing around 3 weeks and just burnt myself on a 2k @ 7m 40.9. Went off a bit quick and ate like shit yesterday. I have to say I used to cycle a lot, like up mountains and shiz, and I think that has helped, though I've not ridden for a few years....
by Simeone1324
March 31st, 2023, 8:09 am
Forum: Training
Topic: What Training Have You Done Today?
Replies: 46691
Views: 16777215

Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Hey there, I'm new to all this, wanted to say hi. I can see rowing becoming a fixation. Just did my second 5k on the erg. Tough. Simon.