Search found 2 matches

by prashantm
November 18th, 2022, 7:42 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: (Paid) Zoom/online skierg coaching ?
Replies: 0
Views: 2149

(Paid) Zoom/online skierg coaching ?

I’m a newbie at skiErg and would love to get proper training to kickstart my SkiErg journey.

Any resources , people I can reach out to ??
by prashantm
April 30th, 2021, 5:52 am
Forum: Ergdata, Online Racing, Rowpro & RowIt
Topic: Can I share my PM5 data live with my coach on internet?
Replies: 3
Views: 2415

Can I share my PM5 data live with my coach on internet?


We are under lockdown , currently I'm using a second camera on ZOOM to my coach to showcase pm5 data , is there a way to do this via any app or internet so that my coach can see my data live?