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by Oucheeeeee
June 13th, 2021, 3:25 am
Forum: Concept2 SkiErg
Topic: Dumb Question
Replies: 5
Views: 7071

Re: Dumb Question

Thanks for the advice. Had it a few months now and can see what you're all saying. I started at just 5 minutes, adding one minute per day till I got to 20 minutes and have been slowly increasing my meters per day. Right now, I'm at around 4500 for 20 mins so it's hard enough to get me breathing heav...
by Oucheeeeee
April 23rd, 2021, 9:58 am
Forum: Concept2 SkiErg
Topic: Peak age for Skierg
Replies: 2
Views: 5505

Re: Peak age for Skierg

Not sure if this helps but........ I'm in my 60's and have just started using SkierG in past couple of weeks. I'm only 20 minutes per day at moment, but am adding a minute per day till I get upto and beyond 30 mins per day. I trained all my life for Speed/Strength (was a sprinter till I became too b...
by Oucheeeeee
April 23rd, 2021, 9:45 am
Forum: Concept2 SkiErg
Topic: Dumb Question
Replies: 5
Views: 7071

Dumb Question

Hi, Had my SkierG for 2 weeks now and have what is probably a dumb question: I watched the video on technique and figure I'm there or there abouts but wondered if my core is going to engage automatically? When I started, I'd be tensing my abs as I I brought the handles down. After a few days, it see...
by Oucheeeeee
April 23rd, 2021, 9:27 am
Forum: Concept2 SkiErg
Topic: New Owner Tip?
Replies: 6
Views: 6728

Re: New Owner Tip?

Only got my SkierG 2 weeks ago and the only tip I'd have is to start off slow (unless you're a gym rat and used to it). I started at 5 mins on day1 and today I hit 20 mins for first time. So I add a minute per day till I'm upto 30 mins. Even with just 5 mins, my triceps, delts,back muscles were stif...