Search found 2 matches
- December 19th, 2019, 3:32 am
- Forum: Concept2 BikeErg
- Topic: BikeErg Power Meter Accuracy
- Replies: 28
- Views: 40809
Re: BikeErg Power Meter Accuracy
I did the same test with Favero ASSIOMA pedals and had same results (15-20w difference) I sent an email to support that told me that C2 measure power generated by the fan and it doesn't take into account the power losses. The 2% error claimed by C2 is related to machine to machine (consistency betwe...
- June 2nd, 2019, 9:29 am
- Forum: Concept2 BikeErg
- Topic: BikeErg - How accurate and precise
- Replies: 8
- Views: 8738
Re: BikeErg - How accurate and precise
I asked about accuracy to C2 support and they told me that it’s a 2% error, like other systems. In theory it’is easier to calculate power from flywheel devices because we know all the variables (size, velocity, rpm and drag) instead of others direct powermeters. In my experience I tried Lemond revol...