Search found 2 matches
- December 11th, 2018, 1:54 pm
- Forum: General
- Topic: Best connection/software setup for 24h 350km for Bike/Row/Ski-Erg endurance challenge?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4516
Re: Best connection/software setup for 24h 350km for Bike/Row/Ski-Erg endurance challenge?
Two ergs two phones running ergdata. That'll collect more stats than you need. Thanks! That's an idea, running a computer would allow me to capture and stream the screen, as the charity event will be streamed live. I can set up a camera recording the phones, the only question is: is this a reliable...
- December 11th, 2018, 4:49 am
- Forum: General
- Topic: Best connection/software setup for 24h 350km for Bike/Row/Ski-Erg endurance challenge?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4516
Best connection/software setup for 24h 350km for Bike/Row/Ski-Erg endurance challenge?
Hi there, I'm preparing a 24 hour 350km endurance challenge - 50km SkiErg, 100km RowErg, 200km BikeErg. The challenge is to be done in teams of two, in under 24h. I've been trying to connect the Ergs to the computer, but I've been having some trouble. Ideally it would be great to connect them like i...