Search found 9 matches

by wizardofaz
April 3rd, 2020, 1:47 am
Forum: Ergdata, Online Racing, Rowpro & RowIt
Topic: RowPro: What are the small colored rectangles by each rower's initials?
Replies: 3
Views: 2543

Re: RowPro: What are the small colored rectangles by each rower's initials?

Thanks. Thought maybe something like that. Seems they all flicker green/red/orange a lot. Maybe some yellow.
by wizardofaz
December 4th, 2019, 10:01 am
Forum: Ergdata, Online Racing, Rowpro & RowIt
Topic: RowPro V5.4 has been released
Replies: 1
Views: 2641

Re: RowPro V5.4 has been released

Great news! Hope so. I’ll install today.
by wizardofaz
December 2nd, 2019, 3:28 pm
Forum: Ergdata, Online Racing, Rowpro & RowIt
Topic: RowPro crash during online row
Replies: 6
Views: 3998

Re: RowPro crash during online row

Hi Mitchell. Except for the likelihood that RP will crash you out like has happened to me, don't worry about being slow. I was slowest in that session yesterday. I was trying for 94 minutes and would probably have made it except for some cramping in my gluts. It's an issue for me that often kicks in...
by wizardofaz
December 2nd, 2019, 2:59 pm
Forum: Ergdata, Online Racing, Rowpro & RowIt
Topic: RowPro crash during online row
Replies: 6
Views: 3998

Re: RowPro crash during online row

Carl, thanks for the reply. At least I know it's a known problem and might get fixed. I hope so. Doing timed rows only is a problem if I want to log distance rows for ranking. One of the values I get from RP is having a buddy pace me to a PR. Do you know what more is known about the bug? I'm asking ...
by wizardofaz
December 1st, 2019, 9:28 pm
Forum: Ergdata, Online Racing, Rowpro & RowIt
Topic: RowPro crash during online row
Replies: 6
Views: 3998

RowPro crash during online row

I often row online in groups with RowPro and have a lot of success and enjoyment with it. But for 4 weeks now I've done a group half marathon Sunday mornings, and 3 of the 4 times RowPro has crashed late in the session. It's frustrating to row that long and not get to finish. Anybody else having sim...
by wizardofaz
December 10th, 2018, 10:46 pm
Forum: Indoor Rowers
Topic: Fail to connect ergdata ios app to PM5 with bluetooth
Replies: 5
Views: 4036

Re: Fail to connect ergdata ios app to PM5 with bluetooth

Additional info: it works with another phone, same model (iPhone 5s). I tried rebooting my phone, no joy. I guess I'm stuck with the other phone for now. It will probably start working tomorrow and I'll never know why...
by wizardofaz
December 10th, 2018, 10:40 pm
Forum: Indoor Rowers
Topic: Fail to connect ergdata ios app to PM5 with bluetooth
Replies: 5
Views: 4036

Fail to connect ergdata ios app to PM5 with bluetooth

It was all working fine for several weeks until today. Today I cannot connect. The ergdata is newest version. As one attempt to fix I deleted and reinstalled ergdata, so I know it's newest. PM5 firmware is also current, V163. Ergdata sees the PM5, shows the ID and says touch to connect, but it will ...
by wizardofaz
October 30th, 2018, 3:52 pm
Forum: Indoor Rowers
Topic: easier way to create favorites workouts?
Replies: 2
Views: 2514

easier way to create favorites workouts?

I like to set up my PM5 with a structured workout. Setting it up through the PM5 panel is long and tedious, and one mistake and you get to start over. I know the favorites are stored in favorites.bin on the USB stick, so it seems an opportunity to have a PC based editor that would allow easier and q...