Search found 6 matches
- September 18th, 2019, 4:58 pm
- Forum: On The Water
- Topic: Little River Regatta for intermediate rower?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 6242
Little River Regatta for intermediate rower?
After at least a years worth of gathering info and data I still have not decided on what to buy as an upgrade to my Alden Quest. Just wondering if anyone has any input on the Little River Regatta? I row on a small, nearly always calm lake. I don't plan to compete but continuously want to improve my ...
- September 18th, 2019, 4:49 pm
- Forum: On The Water
- Topic: advice on a more advanced boat
- Replies: 10
- Views: 12664
Re: advice on a more advanced boat
Wow, sorry for the long delay. I have not checked this site in a while. So far I have not gotten a different boat. I am still in a quandry. I was leaning towards the Mass WInged Aero but was somewhat put off with the location of the foot stretchers with respect to the rigging. It seems like both are...
- April 9th, 2019, 1:11 pm
- Forum: On The Water
- Topic: advice on a more advanced boat
- Replies: 10
- Views: 12664
Re: advice on a more advanced boat
Thanks for the perspective. My first inclination when starting this search was the Zephyr but I was wondering if it was a big enough improvement to warrant the investment. I have since considered the Peinert Dolphin but have been persuaded out of it. Also considered the Alden Star but not sure about...
- March 31st, 2019, 11:04 am
- Forum: On The Water
- Topic: advice on a more advanced boat
- Replies: 10
- Views: 12664
Re: advice on a more advanced boat
I have checked the Maas 24 but see that it is recommended for advanced rowers. I would not consider myself in that category. As of now I am leaning towards the Winged Aero. Mass boats do seem to be somewhat more expensive; I assume they are worth it. Interesting that the Aero and the 24 both have th...
- March 18th, 2019, 10:07 am
- Forum: On The Water
- Topic: advice on a more advanced boat
- Replies: 10
- Views: 12664
Re: advice on a more advanced boat
Thank you for the input. I do check the C2 ads periodically and will continue to do so. Good luck on finding your new boat.
- March 6th, 2019, 10:45 am
- Forum: On The Water
- Topic: advice on a more advanced boat
- Replies: 10
- Views: 12664
advice on a more advanced boat
I am still a fairly novice rower but am considering something more advanced than my Alden Quest. I have explored models by Peinert, Maas & WinTec but cannot find anything that might be what I am seeking. I would think a length of perhaps 21-22' and a width of perhaps 17-19" might be good for my abil...