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by Doyouevencrew?
April 29th, 2013, 10:03 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: Training Playlists?
Replies: 3
Views: 3043

Re: Training Playlists?

How about Led Zepplin's album "Mothership".
I get really pumped up when I listen to it, just so much badassery.
If I am pulling a 1:50 split before the album starts, once it starts, my split will drop a solid 5 secs to 1:45.
If you are in to hard rock this is the stuff for you :)
by Doyouevencrew?
April 29th, 2013, 8:04 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: Tips on getting sub-7:00 minutes
Replies: 2
Views: 2951

Tips on getting sub-7:00 minutes

So. I am a 14 year old rower (freshman in high school), almost 15. I weigh 148lbs. and i'm 6 foot 3. My PR on a 2k erg test is 7:16. I am currently racing in the spring season, and I REALLY want to be sub-7 by the beginning of the fall season next year (i'm shooting for varsity). I am a novice, it i...