Search found 3 matches

by kick-send
February 21st, 2013, 8:33 pm
Forum: Competition
Topic: Why do CRASH-B's require you to complete all events entered?
Replies: 4
Views: 4542

Why do CRASH-B's require you to complete all events entered?

I asked this on /r/rowing but thought I'd ask here too. According to Competitors who choose to compete in more than one event at the C.R.A.S.H.-B. Sprints do so at their own peril. All events entered by a single athlete must be completed ...
by kick-send
December 5th, 2012, 5:48 pm
Forum: General
Topic: What is the formula to convert calories to meters?
Replies: 6
Views: 41779

Re: What is the formula to convert calories to meters?

Thanks Citroen. It's not the "plug in calories, get out meters" formula that I was looking for but there's enough info there for me to do the rest of the work. One thing that I didn't realize is that the time spent rowing would be required as well since there are extra calories thrown into the formu...
by kick-send
December 5th, 2012, 9:45 am
Forum: General
Topic: What is the formula to convert calories to meters?
Replies: 6
Views: 41779

What is the formula to convert calories to meters?

Could someone supply the formula that the PM uses to convert between calories and meters? I'm not trying to convert erg calories to actual calories so the calore calculator on the C2 site ( is not of use here. I just want ...