Search found 4 matches
- July 18th, 2013, 6:14 pm
- Forum: On The Water
- Topic: Open Water Rowing
- Replies: 187
- Views: 210656
Re: Open Water Rowing

- May 21st, 2013, 5:10 pm
- Forum: On The Water
- Topic: Open Water Rowing
- Replies: 187
- Views: 210656
Re: Open Water Rowing
"now I understand that there is a small minority of rowing spectators that, like some perverse NASCAR fans, come only to watch the wrecks." :wink: Well, since they don't get to see puking or falling off into the fetal position, you've got to provide some entertainment. Good job on the "podium finish...
- May 16th, 2013, 12:37 am
- Forum: On The Water
- Topic: Open Water Rowing
- Replies: 187
- Views: 210656
Re: Open Water Rowing
Paul, if there is ever a rowing sit-com, you could be the lead writer :lol: You need to row OTW more, so we can read your write-ups. Seriously, nice effort to go along with the adventure. As someone who is erg-only, this qualifies as exotic. As you say, akin to running a few miles, but with a chance...
- May 26th, 2012, 4:13 pm
- Forum: On The Water
- Topic: Open Water Rowing
- Replies: 187
- Views: 210656
Re: Open Water Rowing
Funny, surreal, and why do you do this?
The erg can be hard enough without becoming entangled in people and sea shrubbery.