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by ies
June 24th, 2010, 2:28 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: Weird weight gains through training
Replies: 9
Views: 5723

Re: Weird weight gains through training

2. I totally agree with the idea of transitioning from a low carb diet to a protien heavy, moderate carb diet. If you will be moving on from the Pete beginner plan to the Pete plan, you will be burning up to a thousand calories per training day above your basal metabolic rate. It sounds like to hav...
by ies
June 23rd, 2010, 11:54 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: Weird weight gains through training
Replies: 9
Views: 5723

Re: Weird weight gains through training

I am 5 feet, 9 inches, and 18 years old. Over the past few months my weight has been steadily going down. It went down tremendously quickly the first few weeks (this I assume is the water weight). But since then as slowed to a steady decreasing pace. I have been meticulously keeping track of my carb...
by ies
June 23rd, 2010, 10:55 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: Weird weight gains through training
Replies: 9
Views: 5723

Weird weight gains through training

Hi Everyone, During the past two months I started myself on a new no/low-carb diet, and had lost 31 pounds when I checked last week. However, I recently began to supplement my diet plan with a rowing workout (the Beginner Pete Plan), forearm and seated row weight training, as well as a nice relaxing...
by ies
June 22nd, 2010, 12:34 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: Is it normal for elbows and shoulders to hurt?
Replies: 12
Views: 6044

Re: Is it normal for elbows and shoulders to hurt?

chgoss wrote:well, I've never had a muscle develop fast enough that I would get a stretch mark ... :lol:
but, I would think thats fine
You don't know how much I envy you for that, man. These are a big reason why I don't like weight training, I've got them across my biceps, back, and chest.
by ies
June 21st, 2010, 6:33 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: Is it normal for elbows and shoulders to hurt?
Replies: 12
Views: 6044

Re: Is it normal for elbows and shoulders to hurt?

You really should also start to strengthen your forearms and shoulders with a steady diet (4x week) of forearm curls (palm down and palm up) and seated rows (with weights). That will help avoid tendinitis.. Hi Chad, thanks for the advice. I've started the forearm curls, and will be doing a few sets...
by ies
June 21st, 2010, 12:08 am
Forum: Training
Topic: Is it normal for elbows and shoulders to hurt?
Replies: 12
Views: 6044

Re: Is it normal for elbows and shoulders to hurt?

Not a cyclist by any chance are you ? Well, I did do some cycling for a few months this year -- but, most of my leg strength is genetics. I grow muscle mass faster than normal people (from what I've observed), and I have been pretty overweight for a good portion of my life thus far. So, when those ...
by ies
June 20th, 2010, 11:26 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: Is it normal for elbows and shoulders to hurt?
Replies: 12
Views: 6044

Re: Is it normal for elbows and shoulders to hurt?

You mean you ONLY have pain in your shoulders and elbows ? Ahaha! Nooo, the rest of my arms and back start to hurt and get tired after a while, too. Although, my legs are really, really strong. So I don't usually feel anything really painful or tiring there. I just get disappointed that the only re...
by ies
June 20th, 2010, 10:47 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: Is it normal for elbows and shoulders to hurt?
Replies: 12
Views: 6044

Is it normal for elbows and shoulders to hurt?

I've recently taken up rowing, and I'm concerned because the majority of the pain I'm feeling is in my elbows and shoulders, simply because of the resistance pulling the handle, when my legs begin the drive. It is not until later that I ever feel pain in my biceps or forearms.

Is this normal?
by ies
June 18th, 2010, 3:31 am
Forum: Health & Fitness
Topic: What does a good rowing diet consist of?
Replies: 13
Views: 26029

What does a good rowing diet consist of?

I'm looking to lose some weight while rowing, and get into shape to being rowing competitively. I'm currently on the Pete plan and I was wondering of you guys have any advice as to what my diet should consist of? I'm currently 18 years old, 190 pounds (still looking to lose about twenty), with a nat...
by ies
June 17th, 2010, 5:35 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: Is rowing mainly legs?
Replies: 12
Views: 16575

Re: Is rowing mainly legs?

Thanks for the advice hjs, I'll change the damper to 4 or 5 next time, and work my way down to at least 2:00 in the next few weeks. I knew I was going really slowly, and I wanted to go faster, but the Pete plan told me not to, ahaha. Also, I guess the fact my arms were tired was because I was grippi...
by ies
June 17th, 2010, 2:09 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: Is rowing mainly legs?
Replies: 12
Views: 16575

Re: Is rowing mainly legs?

What is your age and weight? What drag are you rowing at? And what pace and rate are you rowing for 5K? That will tell the story. ranger I am 18 years old and weigh 193 (although I used to weigh 220 a 2 months ago) and I have a genetically big (both in muscle and fat) build. I had the damper at 10 ...
by ies
June 17th, 2010, 12:14 am
Forum: Training
Topic: Is rowing mainly legs?
Replies: 12
Views: 16575

Re: Is rowing mainly legs?

Thanks ThatMoos3Guy, I've seen that video before, but I've watched it a few more times now, and paid more attention to each individual part of the stroke. I think I might have identified what I've been doing wrong. I was gripping the handle far to hard during the course of the exercise (in fact, my ...
by ies
June 16th, 2010, 10:21 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: Is rowing mainly legs?
Replies: 12
Views: 16575

Is rowing mainly legs?

I just started rowing to get fit, and I've started on the Pete Plan ( today. When I start to do something i get really eager and keen, so, I decided to do two sets of 5000m and focus on technique instead of speed. Everyone tells me it's all legs, a...
by ies
May 27th, 2010, 3:23 am
Forum: Training
Topic: I am an absolute novice looking to take up rowing.
Replies: 4
Views: 2982

I am an absolute novice looking to take up rowing.

Hi Everyone, I came to this online community because I need help. I am 18, in university, overweight and unfit. I want to use rowing as a catalyst to get me back to shape. I've been looking for a sport to become active in, and once I discovered rowing, I just couldn't stop researching it. Technique,...