Search found 52 matches

by Nick
April 30th, 2022, 4:58 am
Forum: Concept2 BikeErg
Topic: Bad back issues
Replies: 5
Views: 3764

Re: Bad back issues

Thanks - very helpful. I'll do more back extensions.
by Nick
April 29th, 2022, 9:52 am
Forum: Concept2 BikeErg
Topic: Bad back issues
Replies: 5
Views: 3764

Bad back issues

I'm 83 - and want to supplement my Concept 2 erg rower with a stationary bike. I mentioned my age because my concern is a slightly arthritic lower back. Not crippling, but painful at times. Is the seat adjustment on the BikeErg able to put a rider in an upright position rather than the forward leani...
by Nick
August 12th, 2019, 9:56 am
Forum: Health & Fitness
Topic: Blood Pressure Monitor
Replies: 9
Views: 8531

Re: Blood Pressure Monitor

The pressure is annoying. I haven't had any problems with random readings - pretty consistent. I usually take my BP first thing in the morning - before working out or eating - about 4 AM. Supposedly it's recommended to take the BP at about the same time each time and tho take three readings spaced a...
by Nick
August 10th, 2019, 10:56 am
Forum: Health & Fitness
Topic: Blood Pressure Monitor
Replies: 9
Views: 8531

Re: Blood Pressure Monitor

I check mine about once a week - since I do have mild hypertension - and when I get numbers that I like I send them to my doc (just kidding). How do you like the Braun monitor - I've got an Omron that gets high ratings.
by Nick
May 10th, 2019, 12:10 pm
Forum: Health & Fitness
Topic: Transcendental Meditation
Replies: 8
Views: 5833

Re: Transcendental Meditation

"Transcendental" is a style of meditation - focusing on and silently repeating a phrase. That said - I like the idea of focusing on breathing or rhythm and zoning out of external distractions - I'll try it with eyes closed. Sounds like it might be a winner.
by Nick
May 1st, 2019, 6:57 am
Forum: Health & Fitness
Topic: Transcendental Meditation
Replies: 8
Views: 5833

Transcendental Meditation

Partially as a result of a career that was enormously stressful I retired with what can only be described as a very short tolerance for fools and bores and a very short temper. I recently undertook training in transcendental meditation and it's beginning to have a calming effect. It's much too early...
by Nick
February 20th, 2019, 10:49 am
Forum: Health & Fitness
Topic: Bone Density and Rowing?
Replies: 7
Views: 7569

Re: Bone Density and Rowing?

I've got osteopenia and my endocrinologist and primary care docs strongly advise weights and walking while also strongly supporting rowing as part of a workout routine. Keep rowing because it will strengthen your endurance and core and to ensure helping your bone density health I suggest hiking/walk...
by Nick
December 22nd, 2018, 7:38 am
Forum: Health & Fitness
Topic: Prolonged Heart Rate Spike During Cooldown
Replies: 3
Views: 4500

Re: Prolonged Heart Rate Spike During Cooldown

I'm not a doc - but I have a little heart issue known as AFib (Atrial Fibrilation) - while the issue you're experiencing may very likely be a matter of dehydration - my suggestion is that if it concerns you - consider consulting with your doctor -
by Nick
September 22nd, 2018, 8:45 am
Forum: Health & Fitness
Topic: Implanted Cardioverter Defibrillator
Replies: 3
Views: 4107

Re: Implanted Cardioverter Defibrillator

I heartily agree with Ombrax - think about cycling. It's a great workout. Has you discussed weight training with your electrophysiologist? Does he have the same concerns with upper body workouts? By the way, I'm 79 and have been dealing with AFIB for the last 9 years. Keep on truckin' and good luck!
by Nick
July 13th, 2018, 8:56 am
Forum: Health & Fitness
Topic: Cold Showers: Lots of benefits apparently...
Replies: 24
Views: 22061

Re: Cold Showers: Lots of benefits apparently...

Well, now that I'm fast approaching my 80th year - my memory just ain't what it should be - but I do seem to recall a few occasions when the young lady in question had a smile on her pretty face. Keep calm and erg on!
by Nick
July 12th, 2018, 9:31 am
Forum: Health & Fitness
Topic: Cold Showers: Lots of benefits apparently...
Replies: 24
Views: 22061

Re: Cold Showers: Lots of benefits apparently...

Been doing this for years and I really enjoy it. After my warm morning shower - all cleaned up - I slollllllllly turn the hot down and the cold up until it gets to the point of teeth chattering cold - I hold on for about thirty seconds and then I'm finished. Don't know about scientific findings - bu...
by Nick
June 23rd, 2018, 8:35 am
Forum: Health & Fitness
Topic: Chiropractor or physical therapist for posture issues?
Replies: 3
Views: 4544

Re: Chiropractor or physical therapist for posture issues?

Doc first - and then get his/her recommendation for a qualified physical therapist.
by Nick
May 31st, 2018, 10:46 am
Forum: Health & Fitness
Topic: Pulled intercostal
Replies: 4
Views: 5288

Re: Pulled intercostal

I think that I injured mine during an overzealous session during the drive. Knew something was not quite right almost as soon as it happened - nothing dramatic, just a very sudden sharp pain and that's all it to put me out of commission. The moral of the story is that proper from is everything - bot...
by Nick
May 29th, 2018, 11:57 am
Forum: Health & Fitness
Topic: Pulled intercostal
Replies: 4
Views: 5288

Re: Pulled intercostal

Assuming you've seen a health care professional who agrees that it's the intercostal - here's my story: A few months ago I pulled an intercostal and it hurt incredibly. When the pain didn't let up for two full days (and nights!) I saw my doc who agreed that it was the intercostal. I took five days o...
by Nick
May 28th, 2018, 11:37 am
Forum: Health & Fitness
Topic: friction blister on my achilles
Replies: 4
Views: 4153

Re: friction blister on my achilles

Double skinned running socks sounds good. I've been hiking and doing long distance walks for a couple of decades and what really has worked for me has been a thin nylon sock liner worn under my walking/hiking socks. That and keeping your feet dry and your shoes powdered also help. The best course of...