Search found 10 matches

by Bo Bojsen
February 4th, 2008, 11:41 am
Forum: Ergdata, Online Racing, Rowpro & RowIt
Topic: Problems W/ PM3 & RowPro - SPM Out Of Whack
Replies: 10
Views: 7252

my spm, was going crazy too. on my laptop and the big computer. i found that ther was no graund connection on the elektrikel wire to the computer and in the connektion in the wall. i move the wire to a connektion with a ground, and then spm stop going crazy. when i use my laptop i must have a littel...
by Bo Bojsen
February 9th, 2007, 12:01 pm
Forum: Competition
Topic: What do you think of the LW / HW grouping?
Replies: 27
Views: 20151

i look around in c2 website, and they already have seen that there is a different betwen LWT's and HWT's in ergo. Its starts like this.... It is not unusual for a larger, heavier athlete to be capable of producing more power...
by Bo Bojsen
February 6th, 2007, 12:51 pm
Forum: Competition
Topic: What do you think of the LW / HW grouping?
Replies: 27
Views: 20151

multiply your row by a weightfaktor.

Ther is some website incorporating finely-grained comparison values, and which calculated relative performances, or provided more groupings for weight its a weighttable for C2 erg. you have to multiply your row by a wei...
by Bo Bojsen
February 6th, 2007, 12:11 pm
Forum: Competition
Topic: What do you think of the LW / HW grouping?
Replies: 27
Views: 20151

weigt by a key in.

I think it make more sense if there were more weight groups on the indoor erg? or weight by a person. I row on a kajakerg. You kan see it here: The display is orlmost simlyar to a PM3. We have to key in, our weight to the Kajakerg. displ...
by Bo Bojsen
December 23rd, 2006, 7:44 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: Holiday Challenge - are you going for it
Replies: 145
Views: 78306

I only have 4 km left. to finesch 200 km. i have to row on noon at christmas day. its late now, clock just past 0:42. im going to sleep and after that ( not exatly tomorrow) i row the last.

Julehilsner til jer alle :
by Bo Bojsen
December 17th, 2006, 5:09 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: Holiday Challenge - are you going for it
Replies: 145
Views: 78306

Did a half maraton today :P . my logbog says 126,963 and the half maraton is not uploadet, ther is somsing wrong with Row Pro :evil: . RP cannot conekt to internet.
i am one of those gyes in LTA, i have only one leg to Row whit. :D

by Bo Bojsen
November 29th, 2006, 4:19 pm
Forum: Indoor Rowers
Topic: Spm go crazy
Replies: 7
Views: 6286

Re: Spm go crazy

[quote="Bo Bojsen"]when i have a computer conektet to my C2 model C. PM3 the SPM go cazy when i row. perhaps i faound (spell ####) the error. an externel monitor i have connectet to laptop... I got a elektrik chok when i disconekt usb cabel from pm3 monitor. only the 240 volt (in denmark) whas conne...
by Bo Bojsen
November 26th, 2006, 8:22 am
Forum: Indoor Rowers
Topic: Spm go crazy
Replies: 7
Views: 6286

Re: Spm go crazy

I have taken my laptop to the rowclub, and tray a C2 model D and PM3 monitor.
ther was nothing wrong with SPM. so next i wil take my PM3 monitor to the club and put it on the erg. there.

by Bo Bojsen
November 22nd, 2006, 3:37 am
Forum: Indoor Rowers
Topic: Spm go crazy
Replies: 7
Views: 6286

Re: Spm go crazy

have any seen this error before ? I've seen the PM3 on the model C in the gym do this. It may be another bug in V97. The PM3 that does it used to be mounted on a model D, but got moved to the model C after the screen failed (and was replaced). I've never seen a model D do it. The PM3 is configured ...
by Bo Bojsen
November 21st, 2006, 3:07 pm
Forum: Indoor Rowers
Topic: Spm go crazy
Replies: 7
Views: 6286

Spm go crazy

when i have a computer conektet to my C2 model C. PM3 the SPM go cazy when i row. its go from 22 to 49 and 79 and somtimes 99, and sometimes SPM is -- I have try new computer, new cabel, remove logcard. updatet firmvere to 97. updatet rowpro. did not tray another ergometer. yet I normaly use a lapto...