Search found 11 matches

by saltyflyguy
December 12th, 2006, 9:27 am
Forum: Training
Topic: What pace do you row on your easy days?
Replies: 4
Views: 3758

"Easy" Days

For 30 minutes/10K/ i try to stay in the middle of my aerobic range... about 125 bpm. I'm male, 63, 6', 195lbs.
by saltyflyguy
December 12th, 2006, 9:16 am
Forum: Training
Topic: Holiday Challenge - are you going for it
Replies: 145
Views: 78745

Holiday Challenge

I have a total of 133,000 meters so far. I'm ahead of schedule... i do morning and afternoon sessions when I don't go out on the bike.
by saltyflyguy
November 13th, 2006, 4:28 pm
Forum: Ergdata, Online Racing, Rowpro & RowIt
Topic: RowPro & Intel Macs
Replies: 6
Views: 6867

RowPro & Intel Macs

Has anyone run Row Pro on one of the Intel Macs running Windows XP?
by saltyflyguy
November 8th, 2006, 5:24 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: What Training Have You Done Today?
Replies: 46691
Views: 16777215


7X500m/1'r; av;2:13
Yesterday: 50 miles on the bike/3 hours. First 30 miles av. 17=mph.
Mostly my schedule has been 150-200 miles on the bike and concept2 on the off days. Could be why my times seem rather slow compared to many on this forum. Just got the Model D ennd of Sept. :evil:
by saltyflyguy
November 6th, 2006, 11:14 am
Forum: Ergdata, Online Racing, Rowpro & RowIt
Topic: 2007 CRASH B's
Replies: 0
Views: 2466

2007 CRASH B's

I'm looking for a Partner(s) to share ride/room for the 2007 event. I live in Flushing, Queens and would drive up to Boston the day before..24th.. stay O/N.. row and drive back to NYC. Email:
by saltyflyguy
November 5th, 2006, 7:41 pm
Forum: Competition
Topic: 2007 CRASH B's
Replies: 0
Views: 2423

2007 CRASH B's

I'm looking for someone (or someones) to share ride/room for the 2007 event. I live in Flushing, Queens and would be willing to drive. Leave the day before, stay overnight and come home. email me.
by saltyflyguy
October 4th, 2006, 7:20 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: What Training Have You Done Today?
Replies: 46691
Views: 16777215

Yesterday: 49 miles on the bike in 3 hours... moderately hilly
Today: 5000 meters on the C2: 24min 25.4 secs
by saltyflyguy
October 4th, 2006, 5:52 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: Cross Trainig: Competitive Cycling + Concept2
Replies: 12
Views: 8305


It was 82° here today! For cold weather clothing I can't recommend Assos too highly! Great stuf and it lasts.. well worth the investment in comfort on the road when it's nasty.
by saltyflyguy
October 4th, 2006, 7:41 am
Forum: Training
Topic: Cross Trainig: Competitive Cycling + Concept2
Replies: 12
Views: 8305


How's the traffic out there in Denver? I live in Queens and it's pretty hectic here on weekdays!! I went out yesterdat at 7AM and headed east for a 50 miler and it was just CARS!! Reminded me of the EE Cummings poem "Pity this Busy Monster Manunkind not". Most of my miles come on Sat/Sun with a grou...
by saltyflyguy
October 3rd, 2006, 1:08 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: Cross Trainig: Competitive Cycling + Concept2
Replies: 12
Views: 8305


The Tacx is a very nice stationary trainer. I've had others over the years but i like this one best. Easy to get the bike on and off, quiet, stable.
Your rowing times are impressive!! Is there a big bike racing scene up there?
by saltyflyguy
October 2nd, 2006, 1:45 pm
Forum: Training
Topic: Cross Trainig: Competitive Cycling + Concept2
Replies: 12
Views: 8305

Cross Trainig: Competitive Cycling + Concept2

Is anyone doing this?
Any opiniuons?
I just got the erg and that plus my TACX bike trainer + occasional forays on the road when conditions here in NYC allow will be my Winter program.