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by [old] piston
January 8th, 2005, 11:17 pm
Forum: Posts from old forum
Topic: Posture And Back Aches
Replies: 18
Views: 12981

Health and Fitness

Thanks all for the replies and suggestions.<br><br>It makes sense that if my core muscles are weak, then my posture would suffer - and that's what it probably is. I do some crunches before every session, but I think I need to include some back strengthening exercises as well. Thanks, Diesel, for the...
by [old] piston
January 8th, 2005, 8:05 pm
Forum: Posts from old forum
Topic: Posture And Back Aches
Replies: 18
Views: 12981

Health and Fitness

Thanks for the reply.<br><br>Like you, my back feels better soon after straightening up and stretching. However, the other day I got up after 2 x 20' and my back hurt for a few days. I may have just pulled a muscle doing any number of dumb things, but I've wondered for a while whether long-term ergi...
by [old] piston
January 8th, 2005, 6:38 pm
Forum: Posts from old forum
Topic: Posture And Back Aches
Replies: 18
Views: 12981

Health and Fitness

Hi all,<br><br>I'm new to this new forum - I used to post to the old one.<br><br>I've noticed that after a long session on the erg (40+ min.) my back is sore. The problem is that I have a rather weak back and my posture while rowing isn't great. I've tried focusing on my posture while rowing, but I ...