I finally got my own Concept 2 Model D rower after using an old (circa '95) Model C at work for months, it's awesome!! Since I got the optional Polar HR monitor with my rower, I did buy a new Polar Heart Rate Monitor watch (FT4), since my old generic didn't transmit enough to register properly, but it was 15 years old and the wrist band was broken, so no biggie - I HIGHLY recommend a HR monitor watch to get a feel on how hard you're working, recording progress and you can also use it for other sports.
I found that a $38 Plano 5-Shelf system (available at any local WallyMart, and made in the USA!) can be set up perfectly to position a TV or Computer monitor at the right height to view while rowing. I'm going to put a 32" LCD TV hooked to my MacBook Pro (dual-boot w/Windows 7) running RowPro on the shelf with the speakers:

A 24" box fan fits between the front feet to suck in fresh air from the window (probably going to macgyver a nice fresh air intake-duct system through a hepa for allergies, hehe) - looking forward to online racing!!
- BetaMO