Rowing Setup - What do you have?

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Rowing Setup - What do you have?

Post by BetaMO » December 8th, 2012, 4:23 pm

Hey folks,

I finally got my own Concept 2 Model D rower after using an old (circa '95) Model C at work for months, it's awesome!! Since I got the optional Polar HR monitor with my rower, I did buy a new Polar Heart Rate Monitor watch (FT4), since my old generic didn't transmit enough to register properly, but it was 15 years old and the wrist band was broken, so no biggie - I HIGHLY recommend a HR monitor watch to get a feel on how hard you're working, recording progress and you can also use it for other sports.

I found that a $38 Plano 5-Shelf system (available at any local WallyMart, and made in the USA!) can be set up perfectly to position a TV or Computer monitor at the right height to view while rowing. I'm going to put a 32" LCD TV hooked to my MacBook Pro (dual-boot w/Windows 7) running RowPro on the shelf with the speakers:


A 24" box fan fits between the front feet to suck in fresh air from the window (probably going to macgyver a nice fresh air intake-duct system through a hepa for allergies, hehe) - looking forward to online racing!!

- BetaMO

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Re: Rowing Setup - What do you have?

Post by BetaMO » December 9th, 2012, 7:43 pm

Here's a pic from the seat with the 32" TV (Westinghouse from Best Buy, really nice and on sale for $220 now), going to make rowing even more fun:


I think a 37" or even 42" would be great on this setup, watch TV/movies if you're not into the RowPro stuff.

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Carl Watts
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Re: Rowing Setup - What do you have?

Post by Carl Watts » December 10th, 2012, 2:49 am

Two Ergs and an old 42" Plasma that has very poor resolution (852 x 480) but is just useable using the HDMI input, but hey it was free.

The Model C in the summer Erg and monitor test jig. It has two pickups fitted so it can simultaneously run two monitors.

Carl Watts.
Age:56 Weight: 108kg Height:183cm
Concept 2 Monitor Service Technician & indoor rower.

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Re: Rowing Setup - What do you have?

Post by BetaMO » December 10th, 2012, 12:01 pm

Hey Carl!

I've used your hints to tweak the old Model C at work to run MUCH better, thanks.

Interesting setup - I think with the RowPro software, resolution really doesn't matter, but size does for sure!

What is fitted over the flywheel on your test machine and why?

Do you have a usual time to row? I'd like to try out the online racing sometime - although with your performance, I'll just be looking at your wake, hah!

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Carl Watts
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Re: Rowing Setup - What do you have?

Post by Carl Watts » December 10th, 2012, 5:32 pm

Thats a VERY HIGH TECH piece of corregated cardboard with a specific hole size in it to give me a 136DF with that damper fully open :lol:

The idea is similar to that empolyed by the Model D in that the air intake is centralised rather than offset as it is on the Model C.

Essentially the intake wants to be a bit like a turbocharger with a central inducer into the compressor.

The Blue cover is a seabreeze and it directs the airflow at the rower and hence it's my "Summer Erg"
Carl Watts.
Age:56 Weight: 108kg Height:183cm
Concept 2 Monitor Service Technician & indoor rower.

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Re: Rowing Setup - What do you have?

Post by ericMX73 » December 31st, 2012, 9:59 am

While rowing, I use my iphone for music (itunes & Pandora via Bluetooth wireless headset), heart rate monitoring/logging (Digifit), the ErgData app and use a tabata timer sometimes (tabata pro app). Having the iphone within reach while rowing was important so I mounted a bracket to my C2 rower to hold the iphone. It works great! My iphone is secured inside the OtterBox case so it is too fat to fit in the C2 bracket (included with ErgData connection kit). It's awesome that the iphone can run multiple apps at the same time with no conflict. I like to see my heart rate graph for interval training and Digifit works great for that. Just can't use Digifit and ErgData at the same time due to the connectors. I wish ErgData/C2 logbook had heart rate graphing in their software. ... 1333223089 ... 1333224773 ... 1333369749

I have the C2 model D with a PM3
57 HW, USA-2024/25 season:
1 hr 14,109m / HM 1:31.20.8 / FM 3:06:06.8 / 50k 3:49:55.3 / Century 8:02:35.0

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