Sore bicep brachii just above the elbow on left forearm only

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Sore bicep brachii just above the elbow on left forearm only

Post by fiatlux » March 4th, 2012, 11:24 am

I believe this problem comes from faulty technique at the end of the pull.
Does anyone know a simple, effective exercise to alleviate this problem?
Thank you

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Re: Sore bicep brachii just above the elbow on left forearm

Post by bepah » March 4th, 2012, 2:22 pm

When this happens to me, I focus on using only the upper arm to pull and not exerting any power at all on the lower arm, just let it follow the pull. It is a bit difficult to do and might slow you pace, but takes away all of the strain on that muscle as it is not actively engaged in the pull.

The other alternaitve is to rest......

Good luck.
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Re: Sore bicep brachii just above the elbow on left forearm

Post by carlb » March 6th, 2012, 12:42 pm

fiatlux wrote:I believe this problem comes from faulty technique at the end of the pull.
Does anyone know a simple, effective exercise to alleviate this problem?
Thank you
Could it be the tendon that crosses the elbow there is inflammed? I.e. tennis elbow or golfers elbow?

Search the web on those and you'll find advice on curing with ice, rest, stretching and exercises.
The fix is proper arm motion, proper grip, and no wrist action at the finish.

I was kicking a quick downward wrist flip at the finish for a few extra meters and that eventually caused me golfers elbow. I quit rowing completely for 2 or 3 months, plus followed the web advice. Has not happened again.

One way I could tell I had a problem was if I held about a 15 pound child in one hand, with a bent elbow, the tendon would start to burn and hurt.

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Re: Sore bicep brachii just above the elbow on left forearm

Post by fiatlux » March 6th, 2012, 7:26 pm

Thank you for your feedback.
I believe that I also was twisting my wrist at the end of the pull. This habit developed from doing low spm (17-22spm) while trying to up my meters per stroke. I have taken a week off. I intend to use no wrist action at end of pull plus initially gripping the handles lightly with only my fingers and not using the thumbs at all.
Again, thank you,

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