jackarabit wrote:@ John N. re: UT HR zones:
UT2 HR-based training zone ( heard "utilization zone 2" which may or may not reference oxygen utilisation and also "low aerobic zone" or "aerobic endurance") defined as 45-60% of 2k power (watts) and/or 65-70% of HRR +RHR.
UT1 HR-based training zone ("high aerobic" or "intense aerobic") defined as 60-70% of 2k power and/or 70-80% of HRR + RHR.
Best explanation, generator, and tables @ Indoor Sports Services, UK. Gotta get back to the Series.
A bit of a late start on everything for me this morning. I’d like to blame it on my wife, for keeping me awake past normal bedtime yesterday but it’s my fault, blah blah blah (blah x 3 = extremely excessive verbiage omitted).
So I’m sitting here drinking coffee when I should already have finished the steady distance PP day 6 recovery session and notice this post from you, Jack, which either you radically edited or I totally missed earlier, even though I did see and read Luke’s post immediately following it.
I’ve concluded that I’m either losing my mind or I overlooked it until now. There is of course also the possibility that both are true.
Anyway, thanks again for responding to my question about UT1 and UT2. There was another post by you, which included an image that also addressed that same question, but this Nov 2nd, 2016 post is spot on and I snapped a screenshot of it and am keeping it on the computer desktop for the time being until the UT1 and UT2 terms find a comfortable place to reside in the indoor rowing room of my mind.
One of the little things that confused me about UT1 and UT2 was the numbers, because another HR zone system I’ve referenced has 5 zones and the first zone, which I think of as zone 1 of that system is its lowest HR zone, with its zone 2 being the next higher HR zone etc.
But UT1 and UT2 are the opposite in that respect, with 1 being the highest and 2 being the lowest of the 2 HR zones. So when I think of UT zones, I will think “1 is first place which always requires harder work than 2 which is second place in oxygen utilization” or something like that and it will make sense to me more quickly when I see it written.
I’m going to put your excellent summary explanation of UT1 and UT2 to work today, by aiming for the UT2 midpoint with today’s PP recovery session with a pace target equal to the midpoint of UT2, 52.5% of recent SB 2K power (watts), which will be a pace of 2:20.6, instead of the 2:18 pace target I used two days ago.
And… congratulations that the team you were rooting for (cheering for, if you’d been in Australia) won the Series this year. I wasn’t paying a lot of attention to the series this year, because I’m a Diamondbacks fan and in lieu of the Diamondbacks was hoping the Dodgers would have been involved. So I didn’t watch any of the Series games this year. But I did keep tabs, with the ESPN app, and had been hoping the Cubs would continue to be lovable losers and the Indians would win, so that Native Americans in the US would have more reason to be happy and/or proud that a baseball team chose to honor them by calling themselves the Indians.
A note to all - though I’ll be doing a PP session today, I’ve decided to modify my approach to posting in the forum for at least the near future month or two. I will only post images of session report and graph for the speed, endurance intervals and hard distance sessions each week. When posting those, I’ll include summary results, like is often done by many of you most of the time, for the recovery day sessions. So from now on and for probably at least two months, I’ll only be making 3 posts per week to this forum thread, though I’ll continue to read the forum daily and take careful notes. By doing that, I hope to be able to give more time to other things which I am reminded need more time and attention.